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Journal Journal: Woo-hoo!! My books are here!! 14


This morning, UPS arrived with a shipment of 366 copies of Dancing Barefoot from my printer! I nearly cried when I opened the first box, and saw "By Wil Wheaton" right on the cover.

My wife took pictures, which I'm debating putting up, because I have major bed head. :-)

I feel so good, and so excited about this. I started packing orders right away, and we completed 100 before I had to leave for a meeting.

My meeting was for a TV show pilot that seems REALLY cool. The meeting went very well, and I'm excited as hell to work with them. I hope it all works out.

And here's the crazy thing: the producers, who are very professional and CLEARLY know what they're doing, contacted me because of my website.

Okay, I have to go to the post office now. *hop*

User Journal

Journal Journal: Baleeted. 27

I had this entry about being upset. Well, it was just a bunch of stupid whining, that I probably should have just kept to myself.

So I deleted it.

I wrote about being upset because of some ACs. Well, that's bullshit, and I need to own up to it. This feeling of being upset . . . it has nothing to do with ACs. And focusing on that crap just takes away from the positive comments and joy of being published. That's stupid on my part.

My being upset has everything to do with being dragged back into a very frustrating, expensive, never-ending nightmare that won't go away, and continues to derail my life. This morning, we thought it would be over, but some very upsetting things happened to me that I can't go into. What I could go into was this stupid AC trolling, which would normally roll right off of me. So I took some useless crap way too seriously.

When I got home, and saw that this review of my book was on Slashdot, I got excited. I wanted to hear what my fellow geeks thought . . . and because I was already beaten down and on the verge of tears, all I could see was the negative.

Yeah, I know that people are going to slag me (or their impression of me, at least.) I can get over it, usually.

Just not today. This bullshit that I can't describe as fully as I'd like to has smothered me and my wife since 3 weeks to the day after our wedding. Today, we thought it would finally be over. Instead, we found out that it will drag on indefinately.

You ever get pissed, or overreact, and then later on apologize to your buddy who happened to be there when you snapped?

Well . . . I'm sorry about that.


Journal Journal: From the Stage to the Page 20

A few days ago, I sent the corrected proof of my first book (which is really my second, but I'm releasing them out of order) Dancing Barefoot back to my printer. This means that I'll have a final proof in a couple of days, and the book should be ready for sale somewhere around the second week of May. More details, including where you can get it, when I actually have copies to ship.

Here's the copy that goes on the back cover:

"There are five stories, spanning 30 years, between these covers. Some of them are funny, one is pretty damn sentimental, but they are all true. I wrote them shortly after my 30th birthday, as I looked to my past in an attempt to understand my present, and not fear my future."
                                                                                                        -Wil Wheaton

Houses in Motion - Memories fill the emptiness left within a childhood home, and saying goodbye brings them to life.

Ready Or Not Here I Come - A game of hide-n-seek with the kids works as a time machine, taking Wil on a tour of the hiding and seeking of years gone by.

Inferno - Two 15-year-olds pass in the night leaving behind pleasant memories and a perfumed Car Wars Deluxe Edition Box Set.

We Close Our Eyes - A few beautiful moments spent dancing in the rain.

The Saga of SpongeBob VegasPants - A story of love, hate, laughter and the acceptance of all things Trek.

Some product details:

Size: 8.5x5.5
Length: 106 pages.
ISBN: 0-9741160-0-9
Price: USD 12.95

Each story is illustrated by Ben Claasen III, who did the "Klingon Convention Trauma" and "Wil Has A Posse" images in the Cafe Press store.

More observant or longtime readers of WWdN will recognize the titles as some blog entries, and wonder why they would want to buy the book.

This is a good question, and here's my good answer: Because!


There are several reasons that I think you'd want this, even if you've already read the stories in the blog: it's illustrated, and they are AWESOME! The stories have all been rewritten, and fleshed out. Working with an editor, and getting feedback from many people has made the stories richer and more evocative. I've matured as a writer since I first penned them, and it shows.

But the biggest reason to get it is this: The Saga of SpongeBob Vega$ Pants is finally concluded! The story that I kept promising to finish has been totally rewritten (I think it's AWESOME now), and includes a retelling of the very first time I met WILLIAM FUCKING SHATNER on the set of Star Trek V.

Initially, I wasn't that excited about this book. I just thought of it as something to fill the space between now and when Just A Geek is finished. I thought that maybe it could help generate interest in JAG too . . . but I've become very proud of it all on its own.

It is my first effort. I wish you would like it.


Journal Journal: A 1974 review of D&D 26

Boing Boing pointed me to this 1974 review of the "new" Dungeons and Dragons game.

Some highlights: D&D was subtitled "Rules for Fantastic Medieval Wargams Campaigns Playable with Paper and Pencil and Miniature Figures."

The reviewer concludes, "In general, the concept and imagination involved is stunning. However, much more work, refinement, and especially regulation and simplification is necessary before the game is managable."

It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal Journal: Return of the son of the mailbag! 123

Because I so enjoy sharing the brilliant emails I get, I present to you:

"How Sad."

Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 20:50:16 -0600

You prefer to have the Iraqi people continue their brutal lives under 'the
butcher' Saddam. It makes you a lot smaller than I thought you were. You are
actually in favor of a brutal dictator over the lives of the people he
brutalizes. You support the ongoing torture and murderous subjugation of the
Iraqi people. You are against offering the people of Iraq freedom and free

Although it is well documented that the 911 terrorists trained in Iraq in
big jets on the ground using small knives to overcome the jet's crew, you
choose not to believe that there is any link between Saddam and terrorist.
It is certainly your right to choose to be blind. Saddam gives money to
martyr's families and openly supports Hamas. (Are you also anti-Semitic?) So
called 'Palestinians' could have had a state of their own any time in the
last 30 years. They choose not to have it. They do not want a state. They
simply want all Jews to die. They want the Jews thrown off the continent and
will be satisfied with nothing less. Ever. Do you also support the
Palestinians hatred of the Jews as strongly as you support Saddam's hatred
of all things American? You must agree that the US is the great Satan. After
all, you are rich. You are the devil incarnate to Saddam and those who
support like him.

Do you pretend to worship God the way you pretend to be 'for peace'? After
all, the peace you want is the ongoing brutalization of the Iraqi people by
the Butcher of Baghdad. And you are clearly FOR that. It is interesting that
a person who is a recipient of the best the US has to offer anyone is so
totally against anyone else having the same opportunities.

You may well be anti-war but the only peace you are 'for' is the peace of
death for any Iraqi who dissents from Saddam's wishes. You are 'for' the
peace of death for thousands of Iraqis, by starvation, every year your
sanctions continue. And if you are also not against sanctions and not
against attacking Iraq then you obviously support Saddam's attack of Kuwait
and Iran and the deaths by gassing of the Kurds. You are 'for' the many war
crimes Saddam has committed and you do not wish to see him punished...

How do you sleep at night?

Sincerely Baffled by your anti-Samaritanism and un-Christian attitudes.

PS> You truly hate the Iraqis a great deal to wish such an existence upon them. May god have mercy on you.


Journal Journal: I have an audition for I, Robot. 53

I have an audition to play a robot in the upcoming Fox picture I, Robot. I have read that the script isn't an actual adaptation of Asimov's book, nor is it the brilliant script Harlan Ellison wrote so long ago.

However, the sides that I have for my call on Thursday are straight out of I, Robot. In the scene, a detective questions a robot who was caught fleeing the scene of his master's death. Sound familiar?

Who knows. Hollywood has a way of trashing the greatest ideas, especially in big budget films. But I'm excited anyway. I get to pretend that I'm a robot, and nobody will call the cops.


Journal Journal: Why I quit G4 81

Back in summer, Travis Oates and I quit our jobs hosting "Arena" on G4.

Since then, I have been overwhelmed with emails from people, wanting to know why we quit.

It's a long story, but here's a very short version:

The producer I was working with was, in my opinion, an amateur. Horribly unprofessional, he treated me and my partner with shocking contempt and disrespect.

For months before I finally left, the producers of the show treated my co-host, Travis Oates, like he had never worked on a show in his life. Travis has created and executive produced several shows. He is currently writing a book, and has won several awards for his work. Travis deserved their respect, but they never gave it to him.

Travis was very active on the Arena message boards, and when we suddenly dropped CounterStrike from our show, the fans asked him why. Travis asked te producer what he should tell them. The producer told Travis that Valve had decided not to sign a waiver, which would protect the network from a lawsuit if some stupid kid decided to shoot up his school and blame it on CS. Travis relayed this information to the fans, and someone from Valve read it. Apparently this made the person from Valve very unhappy, and this person complained to G4. The brass at the network was furious, and blew up at Travis about it. The producer, who had explicitly told Travis what to say, never spoke up on Travis' behalf. He sat back, and let Travis get blamed for just following the producer's instructions. As a matter of fact, the producer had the nerve to send Travis an e-mail, where he blasted Travis for speaking without permission.

When we suddenly dropped DOA3 from Arena, the fans wanted to know why. Again, Travis asked the producer what to tell them. The producer told Travis that we'd cut the game from Arena because an executive at Comcast, G4's parent company, was "personally offended by Dead Or Alive 3," so it had been pulled not only from Arena, but from the entire network as well. Travis conveyed this information to the fans, via the message board, and when the G4 executives read it, they freaked out more intensely than the Valve people had. Travis was threatened with termination, and again the producer sat back and said nothing. He did fire off another terse, official-sounding e-mail to cover his ass. This producer's treatment of Travis, and the network's complicity, was strike one.

When Microsoft and G4 teamed up to have the HALO National Finals on Arena, our producer treated the players like they were scum. As early as our first production meeting, he was talking about them like they were an annoyance, and lucky to even be on the show. My efforts to make sure that the players, who had come from all over the country to play the game and were competing for major prizes, were treated well, were met with constant resistance from everyone except one executive at G4. The HALO finals should have been one hour long (44 minutes of show, with the balance being commercials), but the network refused. They insisted that it be cut down to 23 minutes, and it ended up looking like crap. It was the HALO freaking National Finals, and it looked like something on UHF. It was boring and stiff. I asked the editor why it was so bad. He told me that he'd cut together an hour-long version, and it was funny and exciting. The network refused, and the producer couldn't be bothered to fight with them to make the show better. I realized that the producer was lazy, and that as long as he was involved, the show wouldn't ever grow into something that I'd be proud of. This was strike two.

Because this producer was rude, arrogant, and treated the players badly, the reputation of the show was quickly soiled within gaming circles, and it was hard to recruit new players for the show. Players who did show up were often made to wait around for hours while the producers tried to get their act together, and when they grew restless, they were reminded how lucky they were to even be there, and get some free pizza.

Because he wasn't doing his job, the producer often could not get two teams of eight players together every other week to play our games. When he found that there weren't enough players for the games, he grabbed people people who worked for G4 to play against the "champion" teams. They'd sometimes have players from the "champion" teams join the "challenger" team. Not surprisingly, the players on the "challenger" team who were from the "champion" team did not often play their best, ensuring that their real, champion team would win.

I didn't know about this practice until our 13th episode. When I found out, I expressed to the producer that I was very concerned. I felt that it was dishonest, and I was upset that he'd lied to me and to our audience about the validity of the games on Arena. I told him that it put me in an awkward position, because I wouldn't go along with lying to the audience.

In addition to being arrogant and unprofessional, this producer was also very dishonest, He didn't care that the show was essentially faked, and when I asked him how we would explain to the audience that the challenging team had players from G4 on it, he instructed me to "make something up" to justify the situation.

I felt that my integrity was on the line. I refused, and after numerous attempts to reach a compromise with him, I finally talked to his boss about it.

His boss claimed to know nothing about the faking of the game play rounds, and was very upset that the producer wasn't securing new players for each episode. He told me that he couldn't believe that the producer was unable to find four players in a span of two weeks, and told me that he'd speak with the producer, and get back to me.

About 30 minutes later, my producer called me. I told him that I was glad to hear from him (he'd been avoiding me for days) and asked him what we were going to do about the episode.

His response was to scream at me, call me names, and tell me that I was "a fucking bullshit asshole" for going over his head and complaining to his boss.

I told him that I understood why he was upset, and suggested that calling me names wasn't the most professional way to deal with this situation. I reminded him that we wouldn't be in this position if he'd gotten the players like he was supposed to.

His response was to continue screaming at me.

Now, I've been an actor for 23 years. I've worked in all levels of the industry, with all sorts of people, and I have never, never been screamed at that way. Nobody has ever treated me with such open disdain and disrespect, and I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

I tried to calm him down, and told him again that we needed to talk about the show. I told him that lying to the audience was a real problem.

He responded, "No, Wil. The real problem is you, you fucking asshole! You had no right to go over my fucking head and talk to my fucking boss! This is complete BULLSHIT, Wil, this is -- "

Something in me snapped, and I blew up. If I'd been face to face with him, it would have taken several people to pull me off him. I told him to shut the fuck up, and be a professional.I told him that in my entire career, nobody had ever spoken to me the way he did. I told him that this was his problem, because he didn't do his job . . .

And he hung up. It was the last time I ever spoke with him.

I called Travis, my co-host and very good friend, and told him that I wanted him to know what had happened, because I was calling the network to quit when I hung up with him.

Travis calmed me down, and somehow talked me into sticking around for the episode, which was called "Team UMM vs. Team Leftovers." I finally agreed that I would do the episode, but I would tell the audience that the other team didn't show up to play against UMM, so we pulled together whoever was hanging around at the time, and called them "Leftovers."

Yeah, it wasn't true, but it was as close as I was going to get. In retrospect, I should have quit right then, but I felt a loyalty to Travis and the show's fans. I decided to shoot this "leftovers" episode, and deal with the problems when we were done. Of everything that happened, this is the only choice I regret.

When we shot the episode, the producer skulked around like a child, and there were countless mysterious "technical" problems that we'd never had before. Travis and I were forced to stop and start over and over again, and it became clear to us after an hour or so that the producer was fucking with us.

We finished the episode, and I spent the following week working on the script for the next show. When I went to pick up my paycheck that week, I saw that my pay had been inexplicably cut by over 2/3. I knew that the producer had done this, and when I called my bosses at the network to get to the bottom of it, nobody would give me a straight answer. In subsequent meetings with the network heads, I was informed that my pay would remain insultingly low for at least the next two years, and there was no plan to increase the budget on my show. G4 had no intention of removing this producer who had driven me and Travis away from the network, or any of the other producers who were driving good talent away.

Strike Three. G4 is out.

There is a culture of dishonesty and hubris at G4 that would make an ambulance-chasing lawyer cringe, and I couldn't be part of it. I understand that the blame for my quitting has been placed on another producer, who was fired just before I quit. This is not true. It has also come to my attention that the very producer who treated us so badly has been telling people that he had me fired. For anyone keeping score at home, it is entirely because of this producer, and his outrageous treatment of both me and Travis that I quit.

Despite all of this, there are a couple of good people who work there: mostly writers, who are doing the very best they can in an incredibly hostile environment. One person in particular, Brian Malley, was one of the hardest working people I've ever been around in 20 years of acting. Arena could not have functioned without him. The guys who actually work in the studio where we taped were all great, as well. It's truly unfortunate that the entire show was headed up by such a jerk.

I haven't seen the new hosts, but I understand that the audience hates them pretty uniformly. I would say to give them a chance. I'm sure they're doing the best they can with their material . . . but I fear that they are going to ride this sinking ship all the way down.

It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal Journal: One more look into the mailbag 21

. . . and then, from time to time, something comes through that makes me laugh so hard my sides hurt.

From: "Willie WheatonisaLoser"
Date: Mon Dec 9, 2002 21:28:38 US/Pacific
Subject: Unbelievable.

cOmE oN nOw, YoU cAn'T bE sErIoUs. YoUr WeBsiTe Is ThE bIgGeSt JoKe, I mEaN wHaT's WiTh ThE dIaRy TyPe EnTrIeS aNd ThE wAcK hOmEmAdE tShIrTs? StAnD bY mE iS a GrEaT mOvIe, AnD tHeRe Is WhErE yOu PeAkEd. YoUr CuRrEnT pRoJeCtS aRe A jOkE, i MeAn ThE hOoTeRs StOrY hAd Me CrAcKiNg Up. YeA yOu "UsEd To Be An AcToR" bEcAuSe WhAt YoU'rE dOiN' nOw IsN't AcTiNg, It'S wIsHiNg ThAt YoU cOuLd Be AnY gOoD aT iT. i MeAn It'S nOt LiKe YoU hAvEn'T bEeN dIsCoVeReD, iT's JuSt ThAt No OnE wAnTs YoU iN tHeIr MoViEs BeCaUsE yOu ArE lAaAaAaAaAaAmE!!!!

User Journal

Journal Journal: Let's open up the WWDN mailbag! 61

Since I haven't written in the old /. journal in a few weeks, I thought I'd share with the five of you who read this an email I picked up today.

It's no secret that my political views and philosophies don't match up with the flag-waving "you're with us or against us" crowd.

From time to time, I get an email from one of these folks...and they always end up making an even better case against themselves than I could ever hope to, albeit unintentionally.


I used to like you, but now I don't

Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2002 18:01:47 EST

Hey Wil,

I don't know if you will even read this, or if you do read it, I don't know if you will care, but I am going to write it anyway.

I am a fan of Star Trek TNG, I don't really care much for the original series, but I like TNG a lot.I have been buying each season on DVD every other month, as they are released, starting with season 1.

I always wondered why you left the show, "Wesley" was one of my favorite characters on the show & I always felt that the show was not as good as it was after you left.

Let me get to the point......

It has always fascinated me when celebrities (or washed up celebrities in your case), try to become political experts/role models, I think it is a real joke.

Why is it that you people think that just because you were on TV, that it somehow transforms you into enlightened social/political beings? Just because you were some dork in "Stand By Me" or "genius geek boy" in TNG, means that you are now a political stud that you posess enlightenment over everyone else, for example you stated:

"I believe that if the state of politics in America doesn't piss you off, you either don't care, or you don't understand it. Either way, shame on you"

HOW ARROGANT IS THAT!!! & this political arrogance runs rampant in the celebrity community.

You are basically saying that if I don't agree with you, I am either apathetic or stupid. Seriously though, can you tell me why so many
celebrities are like this, its like a prerequisite for celebrity club membership.

I came up with a possible answer, I think that celebrities feel guilty, they feel guilty because what they do is basically useless, it is not necessity, it is not required for survival. Have you ever stopped and wondered about the amount of resources that are required to make a TV show or a movie, the amount of energy that is spent? If you sit down and just think about it, its mind boggling, I bet that more energy is used to make, promote, manufacturer, distribute & market entertainment than any other industry in the world. ALL THAT ENERGY SPENT ON SOMETHING WE DON'T EVEN NEED!! I think that this makes celebrities feel guilty, so it makes them want to try to save the "Unenlightened idiots" I think that the arrogance part comes form being worshiped, (for some odd reason celebrities are worshiped).

Let me let you in on a little secret, there are a lot of us non-celebrities out there that are not idiots, we have a brain, we are productive hard
working people in society, we have families & we care about our fellow citizens & the state of the world. I am a hardworking American, My wife and I try very hard to provide for our daughter. When I flip on the TV, I look to celebrities for entertainment, to enjoy characters like "Wesley Crusher" If you want to be a political figure, change careers, go to college, get a degree in political science, become a real expert, make it your passion & your life's work. CELEBRITIES ARE NOT EXPERTS ON THE STATE OF THE WORLD, THEY DON'T HAVE ALL OF THE INFORMATION, THAT OUR LEADERS DO. DO YOU THINK THAT OUR PRESIDENT IS GONNA CALL YOU UP FOR ADVICE ON WHAT HE SHOULD DO BECAUSE YOU

You are a great actor, stick to acting! Life for the most part in America is great, It's been great for me & most of the people I know. I certainly think that life in America has been great for you too.

Have a good one,

Eric R. Fodge


Journal Journal: Because I can... 19

You know what rules?

Sitting in my driveway, getting online through my WAP using the airport card in my iBook, and reading Slashdot.

Because I can.


Journal Journal: More Computer Fun 20

Yesterday, I met Chris D for breakfast, joked about Maisy, got to meet his really cool wife and adorable daughter. The plan was to eat, and then head to my house so he could help me with some computer problems I've been having.

After breakfast, I tell him to just follow me there, but he tells me the he only needs the address, because he can input that info into his car, and it will just tell him where to go, like Knight Rider, or something.

Okay, Chris has this car that's like the freakin' Enterprise, man. It's got this integrated GPS system, and I'm pretty sure there are photon torpedoes under the hood, but I didn't get a chance to look. The thing is sleek and black, with tinted windows and leather seats. My little Golf TDI is like Rocketship-XM to his Battle Star Galactica.

We get to my house, and I'm a little embarrassed, to be honest...the technology level in my house is just lame. Most of my stuff is really out of date, and I'm nowhere near the cutting edge. Since I got married, and became responsible for providing for 3 other people, I haven't been able to buy as many toys as I once did.

Anyway, Chris sits down at my desk, and 30 minutes later, my two computers are talking to my WAP and getting online, I'm planning on warchalking my driveway, and everything is right with the world.

It felt odd to me, sitting here with one of the most well-known members of the OS community, while he fixed my lame computer problems. It got me thinking about how the Linux world has welcomed me in so graciously and made me feel so at home, and so many people are asking me to be a spokesman and stuff, and I don't even know how to set up a network printer.

I said that I want to be the world's biggest Linux cheerleader, right?

Damn, I have a long way to go.


Journal Journal: Computers Are Fun 30

Hey this will be cool, I think.

I've been using Mandrake 8.2 for a copuple of months, and I've really enjoyed the experience. Everything has worked beautifully...until recently, when suddenly without warning, my printer got possessed.

It went from printing only the first page of a job followed by a blank page, to printing the whole 'landscape' mode, cutting off the tops and bottoms of the page.

Kinda made it hard for my kids to do their homework on the computer.

I wasn't too worried, though, I'd just upgrade to 9.0.

So I downloaded ISO images, and burned them myself, and prepared to do the upgrade. I was really excited about this, because flying the Enterprise notwithstanding, I am a total techology lamer. If you don't believe me, ask any of my smarter-than-me friends about the panicked late night phone calls.

So I power down, bidding a tearful farewell to my uptime (which would have been 14 days if my wife hadn't decided to turn the machine off "because I couldn't print and it pissed me off" the day before).

I put the 1st Cd in the drive, and literally hop with joy when I get the install screen...I choose "Upgrade" and an hour later, it's done.

Sort of.

See, it can't find my NIC, and I am too much of a lamer to know how to use modprobe, or insmod, or "please tell me how to make this fucking work" or whatever the spiffy command I have this cool pretty looking Mandrake 9.0, which has found my USB devices, which was cool, but still doesn't print correctly, and now won't connect to the Internet.

The original Out Of Towners is on TV, so I decide to do a new install, leaving my /home partition alone, so I don't lose any pr0n^H^H^H^Himportant data. I am certain that this will work. I'll let it do the new install, which will take about 90 minutes, while I watch Jack Lemmon put everyone in New York on his list.

90 minutes later it's done...and it still won't print, and it still won't find the NIC. I decide that if I ever see "modprobe: could not locate module eth0" again, I will most likely kick something.

So a few hours later, my toes really hurt, and I decide to "downgrade" to 8.2, so I can at least get online.

As soon as I get back online, I send a desperate plea to Chris DiBona, who has graciously helped me in the past. He offers many solutions, none of which work, and now I think I've broken a toe.

So fast forward to last night: Chris is coming to LA, and offered to come over and help me fix my computer. He's gonna put Red Hat on it, leaving /home alone (ha! Home Alone! That kills me)

My local LUG is also doing a "Linux for lame asses who don't know how to load modules into their kernels or set their refresh correctly" class this month, so between the two, I hope to not be kicking anything anytime soon.

I feel sort of guilty about looking at Red Hat, because the guys from Mandrake have really welcomed me with open arms, and offered all sorts of help and advice...but nobody seems to know how to solve this problem over there, and I gotta go with what works.

Speaking of what intresting thing happened yesterday...this VAIO that I've had forever which has never booted was going to get XP removed, and Red Hat installed. As soon as I put the CD in the drive, and I'm not making this up, it started up! Like it was saying, "No! No! I'll be good!"

So I have it here, on the other side of a KVM, running Knoppix right now, and I'm seriously thinking about taking XP off, like I'd originally planned, and loading either 9.0 or Red Hat 7.3 on it...I also have Debian ISOs for when I'm feeling particularly flagellant. I know that it's got TONS of RAM and a massive HD, so it should be able to handle WineX without any maybe that's another computer project.

Thinking about all these ISOs I have got me interested in buying a couple of beige boxes, and just hooking up different Linux installs in the house, eventually building a network, so I can play with the various distros and learn and stuff, so I think a trip to Fry's may be in my future... ...but don't tell my wife...she thinks I'm going there to get a new vaccuum.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Idiots 24

Know what I love?

When some loser idiot wastes all his mod points modding me down.


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It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. - Voltaire
