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Comment Re:How about just using the cloud? (Score 1) 272

Is this /.? Buying a house and downsizing? I assumed he lived in a smaller place right now than the house he is going to buy.

So time to start collecting and piling up old computer junk from relatives and friends for the big move and plan the lab he is going to build in his new house. I am sure he can fit some file storage in there...


Submission + - UK court rules against Motorola's "sync messages" patent (

Dupple writes: On Friday, the High Court of London issued a ruling that said that one of Motorola’s patents covering technology to synchronize messages across several devices should be invalidated. Originally, the patent covered the synching of messages across multiple pagers, but recently Motorola has used the patent in lawsuits against Apple and Microsoft for using similar message-syncing services in iCloud and on the Xbox, respectively.

The presiding Judge Richard Arnold declared Motorola's patent invalid and said it should be revoked because the patent (which has a priority date from 1995, but was issued in 2002) contained technology that “was obvious to experts. in the field at the time.”

Comment Re:You'll be waiting a long time (Score 0) 347

Hmm... you get better performance with a lot of RAM. Put at least 4GB or more in your laptop and the OS will cache hard drive content in RAM (buffers/cache) making things go a lot faster. RAM not used by programs will typically be used by the OS to cache hard drive or SSD data. RAM is much faster than SSD.

So, scaling down on memory is a bad idea, scaling down on CPU is acceptable. With a lot of RAM, you won't notice the SSD gains as much compared to an hard drive.

Comment Re:Google should then provide signed certs (Score 1) 299

Then, I'll just install my own webmail interface that is going to run with, you guessed it, a self signed cert. For now, I just piggy back on Google, trading off privacy concerns for not having to maintain my own webmail interface.

Everything already goes through my mail server and nobody uses my gmail address.

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