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Comment Re:msmash is a lying piece of shit (Score 0) 808

> The dog whistle is so loud it is deafening... I guess those who stood too close to it are now immune to the sound. Not to worry AC, I'm sure there were some 'very fine people' in the crowd.

Is it not ironic that you are the one dogwhistling ?

Calling every argument you dont like a "dogwhistle" is just a technique to shut down debate. Whenever you cannot find anything factually wrong or genuinely biased in someones argument, you can simply call it a dogwhistle and walk away with a smug grin knowing that there is no possible way anyone can refute that.

Nothing twitch said was racist neither overtly nor implicitly. If he really is a racist, then it shouldnt be hard to find actual racism.

Calling out dogwhistles like "fine people" and "OK" isn't exactly dogwhistling. Of course, it's easier for you to just screw that up and add to the dogpile.

Clearly, we have to dig harder for his racism? Or... we could say "words have consequences" and Microsoft has every right to distance themselves from what's an obvious signal to anyone who can rub two brain cells together.

Comment Re:Turnabout Is Fair Play (Score 1) 570

So once a degree meant something as it was hard to obtain, now when someone turns up with a degree received in the last 15 years and thats if its actually a legit one (there are many fakes I have seen). it might as well be used as toilet paper

Well like most things in america they are mostly run privately for profit so I really don't know what you are expecting.

This is untrue. There are many for-profit colleges, but they are the minority.

They are the vast plurality of student loan defaults however - that's something that can be fixed though.

Comment Re:This is just silly (Score 2) 100

The CA thing was a mess because not only was there privacy concerns but there was the stink of corrupt American politics all over it.

Yeah, the CA thing was entirely different. The issue at stake was that because FB was really lax on security they effectively let CA pull the whole graph down on everyone even though those people may not have fallen for CA's dirty tricks directly. That information was then weaponized to create deepfake videos and radicalize the population.

This is more along the lines of the usual "Google doesn't understand humans" policy intersected with pedos being pedos.

If comments were turned off on YouTube would anything of value be lost? If Google had a policy where kids couldn't be the only people in a video (ML can figure that out), would that be enough?

Comment Re:In India yeah (Score 2) 141

but TFA makes it clear that in California the big corps are making "Company Towns" with their own kitchens. This is especially galling since those corps often get massive tax breaks with the assumption that they'll be lots and low skill service sector jobs to support them. Those jobs exist, but not directly inside the community proper. Instead they're clustered in the suburb where the company set up shop.

They fixed this in France (when I was working there in y2k) by having a government subsidized meals program that (all) employers could opt-into where employees get coupons that subsidize their meals for local restaurants (naturally employees paid for these coupon books but it was more or less mandatory). Company/client where I worked also had a cantina, but it didn't qualify for the coupons... they were only for restaurants.

The food ecosystem was maintained, the local farms had produce clients and "centralized/outsourcing" food producution wasn't promoted. They had a vibrant restaurant scene in a smaller metro that way.

Comment The math is more complex than that (Score 1) 311

There are 1266 people in that town as of the last census. This contract was supposed to be for 15 years. Assuming the interest cost for both infrastructures was the same, there was a cost difference of ~940K. Averaging that cost per month over 15 years amongst the 1266 people yields a monthly cost of 4.12$. I find it hard to believe that comcast was going to provide service cheaper than the municipal would. And I find it very easy to believe they can do it for less than 5$ a month cheaper than comcast.

That's assuming a few things:

  1. You trust Comcast to have the same level of service as your community needs
  2. Community sees local Fiber as a selling point (ie, why would you live here?)
  3. Local = jobs.

This is highly appealing to city councils and communities in general.

So the equation has a few more factors involved - not just: Comcast vs. Fiber (but $1M more). To wit:

  1. Tax revenues for infrastructure build
  2. Tax revenues for jobs created with infrastructure
  3. Future attractiveness of community for high-profile mobile workers.

Comment Re:Is someone using bots to train their AI? (Score 1) 147

That's what I do. I answer in my gringo Spanish with a fake Mexican accent. Sometimes the recordings don't even play.

However, I'd be better to simply know not to answer, and even better to not be interrupted in meetings or while I'm having quality time with the fam.

AI desperately seeking your data...

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