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Comment Re:What do you mean 2001? (Score 1) 473

They all contain links to weird-looking pages which, of course, I never open.

If you never open them, how do you know the pages look weird? Or did you mean to write "They all contain weird-looking links to pages which, of course, I never open"?

Anyway, I believe many of those work on a slightly different principle: not downloading an EXE but simply asking you to enter your MSN/hotmail password to be able to see the embarrassing pics in question... and then mailing /IM'ing themselves on.

The Media

Senate Candidate Sued By Copyright Troll 253

The Iso writes "Las Vegas based company Righthaven found two articles from the Las Vegas Review-Journal about Republican Senate candidate Sharron Angle reprinted on her web site without permission, so it did what it always does: bought the rights to the articles from the Review-Journal and sued the alleged infringer, seeking unspecified damages."

The iPad As a Shape-Recognition System 100

An anonymous reader writes with an interesting use for the iPad: "The guys over at the Volumique blog have a different idea as to how to tackle apps for Apple's devices. They aren't just thinking about a digital activity on such devices, they are experimenting with using physical objects through Apple's multi-touch screens. Imagine being able to buy the playing pieces for a board game, but then loading up an app on your iPad for the actual board. The pieces would be recognized when placed on the iPad's screen, it would even recognize which direction they were facing. This may sound like an impossible feat unless you use a much more expensive device like Microsoft Surface, but Bertrand Duplat and Etienne Mineur at Volumique already have it working."

Comment Re:gone? (Score 1) 3

Thanks for the suggestion.

I already looked for it in the browser history but couldn't find it. Don't have the time to retype at the moment... next time, I'll write up the description in a text editor and copy-paste into the browser window. Frankly, I've had similar stuff happen before in a browser and should've learned this lesson already. Oh well.


Frank Herbert's Moisture Traps May Be a Reality 226

Omomyid writes "In the seminal science fiction book 'Dune,' Frank Herbert envisioned the Fremen collecting water from the air via moisture traps and dew collectors. Science Daily reprints a press release from the Fraunhofer Institute in Stuttgart, where scientists working with colleagues from Logos Innovationen have developed a closed-loop and self-sustaining method, no external power required, for teasing the humidity out of desert air and into potable water."

Harsh Words From Google On Linux Development 948

jeevesbond writes "The alpha version of Google Chrome is now available for GNU/Linux. Google Chrome developer and former Firefox lead Ben Goodger has some problems with the platform though. His complaints range from the lack of a standardised UI toolkit, inconsistencies across applications, the lack of a unified and comprehensive HIG, to GTK not being a very compelling toolkit. With Adobe getting twitchy about the glibc fork and previously describing the various audio systems as welcome to the jungle, is it time to concentrate on consolidation and standardisation in GNU/Linux in general, and the desktop in particular?"

Stone Tool 1.83M Years Old Discovered In Malaysia 200

goran72 writes with news out of Malaysia that archaeologists have announced the discovery of stone tools more than 1.8 million years old — the earliest evidence of human ancestors in South-east Asia. Researchers believe the tools were made by members of the early human ancestor species Homo erectus. The tools actually date as slightly older than the earliest H. erectus fossils, which came from Georgia and China. No bones of that antiquity have so far been found in Malaysia. "The stone hand-axes were discovered last year in the historical site of Lenggong in northern Perak state, embedded in a type of rock formed by meteorites which was sent to a Japanese lab to be dated."

Comment 'barbecue', not 'barbeque' (Score 1) 302

The reason for this comment is the misspelled 'barbecue'. If you really want to spell it with a "q", then spell it 'barbequeue' to get the right pronunciation (just kidding, just kidding).

As to my vote: You insensitive clod!, because this poll seems aimed at US readers exclusively. In Holland, the first of May is not an official holiday but is observed by some.

The Wikipedia article on Labor day targets the U.S. holiday, whereas the article on Labour day discusses the general phenomenon (and references May Day and International Workers' Day).

By the way, on 7 September I'll probably go sailing, for the last time this year.

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