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Comment Re:First post from firefox (Score 5, Interesting) 507

An excellent point. It's also worth noting that Firefox is the most popular browser in Europe. Probably due to those EU regulations about Windows offering a default choice. Y'know the ones that people said would have no effect anyway.

Comment Re:Honest? (Score 4, Funny) 238

Darling: So you see, Blackadder, Field Marshal Haig is most anxious to eliminate all these German spies.
Melchett: Filthy Hun weasels fighting their dirty underhand war!
Darling: And, fortunately, one of *our* spies--
Melchett: Splendid fellows, brave heroes, risking life and limb for Blighty!
Darling: ...has discovered that the leak is coming from the Field Hospital.

Submission + - Top 10 screen computer geeks ( 1

rhyder128k writes: "Just who are the geekiest computer geeks of the large and small screen?

Jim Carrey had a point when he said, "Free cable is the ultimate aphrodisiac" as frankly, anyone who can hand out free cable is going to be popular.

However, even The Cable Guy might find his social influence supplanted these days by the nearest computer geek. Gradually, computers have developed from a niche interest into something that everyone depends on to get through life. As a result, the computer geek has enjoyed a transformation from outcast to linchpin."

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