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PlayStation (Games)

PS3 Hacked? 296

Several readers have sent word that George Hotz (a.k.a. geohot), the hacker best known for unlocking Apple's iPhone, says he has now hacked the PlayStation 3. From his blog post: "I have read/write access to the entire system memory, and HV level access to the processor. In other words, I have hacked the PS3. The rest is just software. And reversing. I have a lot of reversing ahead of me, as I now have dumps of LV0 and LV1. I've also dumped the NAND without removing it or a modchip. 3 years, 2 months, 11 days...that's a pretty secure system. ... As far as the exploit goes, I'm not revealing it yet. The theory isn't really patchable, but they can make implementations much harder. Also, for obvious reasons I can't post dumps. I'm hoping to find the decryption keys and post them, but they may be embedded in hardware. Hopefully keys are setup like the iPhone's KBAG."

Comment Can you call X really forgotten? (Score 1) 562

They get the not really gone part down. But, I mean its still the heart and soul of the majority of *Nix desktop environments for good or bad. And most of the folks using Linux or Solaris or BSD know that it is the case. By the way I still love NeXtstep - what an interface. Great for a lefty like me.

Comment Not about moral high ground but smart CYA folks (Score 1) 614

If you inform the office and cc'ed the boss when you know something illegal is going down, your covered. If you don't, and there is a stink they fire you and put you up as the scapegoat. The guys in the China office were following local tradition but that states-side IT manager knew and did nothing. So he is fired. But if you are the good employee in all the news reports that told the higher-ups in that-stereotypical-memo-dated-whenever that the office in China was going to fuck up the works for everyone. And they did not listen. No one is going to give you a medal but you reported what you knew via the proper channels and they don't fire you.

Comment What did this goob think he was going to find? (Score 4, Insightful) 241

I mean I could easily go woo-hoo fighting the man here. I got it in me no doubts. But there is something in legal cases called the Discovery phase and its illegal during a discovery phase to conceal information requested by the court for a case. If he thought Microsoft had information that would have helped his case his lawyers should have asked for such info in the discovery phase and been done with it. The spy cloak and dagger stuff is for the movies and just fucks you over in the real world. If its true he pitched the idea before he was even hired, then don't try to keep working at the same company you are trying to sue. The counter-suit will be coming that is for sure. Easier than firing him. Sue him instead.

Comment Not just a problem for IRS (Score 3, Insightful) 78

I would bet money a lot of government and I know for a fact a lot of private organizations do NOT audit their general security logs in a timely and in an effective fashion. Of course, its scarier when its the government considering the host of private info they have on us. But keep in mind how many credit card companies have been compromised and how much info they have on us. The problem is of course much bigger than one organization.
The Military

Submission + - First A-Bomb Piolot dies at 92

An anonymous reader writes: WASHINGTON — Brig. Gen. Paul Tibbets, the pilot of the B-29 bomber Enola Gay, which dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima in the final days of World War II, died Thursday (Nov. 1, 2007) at his home in Columbus, Ohio. Gen. Tibbets said he did not want a funeral or headstone because he did not want to attract protesters to his burial site. Before his death, Gen. Tibbets told Terkel that he would not hesitate to use nuclear weapons against America's current enemies. "I'd wipe 'em out," he said. "You're gonna kill innocent people at the same time, but we've never fought a damn war anywhere in the world where they didn't kill innocent people. If the newspapers would just cut out the (expletive): 'You've killed so many civilians.' That's their tough luck for being there."

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