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Comment Re:What's the point? (Score 1) 58

Perhaps you come from a rural area where everyone has the short-sighted, "all about me", "because f**k you is why" mentality but you may wish to consider one of the main reasons the main is so much larger than the service feeds. You're not the only one that being serviced by it. For each person that opened say 20 spigots that'd be 19 fewer people that could be serviced. If the main had sufficient capacity in the first place you wouldn't need 20 spigots, you'd just need a single larger one.

Comment Re:what? (Score 1) 199

I'm shocked this attempt at making hay made it to the front page. I know that it's typical for crap to float to the top only to bury nerdworthy content but this one reaches a whole new level.

Take down notices are an ordinary part of modern life for a hosting service. Timothy are you asleep at the wheel or do you need to rejigger your rubber stamp bot?

Comment Re:Inaccurate Summary (Score 1) 272

This photo was taken on July 29, 2012 in Wenonah, Minneapolis, MN, US, using an Apple iPhone 4.

I guess even then Apple was directionally impaired. That's the bloody Mall of America in Bloomington, MN. And, I must say, when I saw that Microsoft was adding that store right next to Apple's I found myself laughing to tears. It made my night. Even now I get a snicker out of it when ever I walk by.

Comment Re:A strange game.... (Score 4, Insightful) 597

You speak like it would be so neat and simple to wipe them from the map. Have you forgotten about China, or the very strong chance they'd shell Seoul--home of some 24 million people--into rubble? As a red blooded American I suppose that doesn't fit your "bring it on", "put a boot in their *ss", "and to hell with the consequences" philosophy. Who cares about a few "slant eyes" right?

Comment Re:A strange game.... (Score 5, Insightful) 597

Losing China makes me all the more nervous of the nature of the DPRK's behavior in the future. While in some ways frustrating, the fact that China was playing big brother with North Korea served the purpose of making them more comfortable. All on their own they're far more likely to switch from a temper tantruming baby, to an animal backed into a corner. Any military action on North Korea's part will result in grave consequences for South Korea.

Comment Re:Question (Score 1) 506

I'm not especially thrilled with D.O.D. spending either but that's a non sequitur. Teachers are usually able to spot the messed up kids. So too, students. It dosent take a "narc a nut" program to say "that boy just ain't right in the head" neither does it take D.O.D. sized funds to pay for mental health. Evidence suggests that you'd actuall save a fair bit of money of the criminal justice side if you did.

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