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Comment Bing has another problem: Culture of MS (Score 1) 380

It would be very hard to explain it English but, the broken/robot like turkish of Windows versions is legendary. Even Steve Balmer when visited Turkey got surprised when he heard it "first time" from reporters.

Considering English version of Windows sells at least 30% more expensive and still being bought by IT professionals and businessmen, you can imagine the degree of broken Turkish.

As I don't really like anything number 1, especially a one with very questionable/spam results in Turkish, I decided to give a try to Bing Mobile on my Nokia/Symbian handset. It took 5 secs for me to give it up and post feedback to MS. The reason? I saw the EXACT, made up Turkish in a single line on 320x240 mobile screen. The rest was? Logo! So they spent billions of dollars, risked their "get along" with Google, I am betting there are way more than 1000 Turks working at that company who absolutely knows the horrible Turkish of Windows and they end up with the very same language (can't claim it is turkish) on their latest project, Bing.

Copying Google? Oh well, I didn't need proof. When Bing was first launched, it was clean. I didn't get virus/trojan/spyware infested sites as results when I look for a software title. I said "Just the Windows and support searches may keep it afloat" jokingly. Recently did a search again, download3k and various known suspects with "red" ratings from any sane search security product (e.g. mcafee) started to appear. The results were the very reason I gave up Google for search on any not so secured computer/device. So, lets say, what left? Yahoo search gone too, I started to use dmoz directory more&more, the problem is, it is not 1997 anymore.

Turkish Windows not being fixed can be explained by millions of pages of documents needing to be updated with training/manuals and even their exams. So lets say the disaster already happened without any kind of possible fix. What is the issue with SEARCH service which started months ago?

BTW, for Grammar guys on Slashdot or MS supporters: English is not my native language and I didn't charge $140 to write this message so, don't waste your time.

Comment Nordic had to do it (Score 1) 402

It is all about geography. Nordic had to have best of class wireless/broadband because of weather conditions and gigantic mountains which you can't reliably "wire" or even if you did, you can't maintain.

It is why Ericsson, Nokia kind of companies came from that area.

The issue with the USA is the huge area which has to be covered. Compare USA to entire Scandinavia area.

Comment Who isn't at NSA? or serve Govt? (Score 1) 145

Except "anti government" types (many exist), most of security professionals will happily serve their country or the globe, it can be NSA or Interpol or FBI. Of course, I don't speak about "the code to watch everyone" kind of contribution, perhaps some serious quirk (like the DNS one) which may effect entire country or globe.

It is not like 1990s anymore, every machine is connected and I am betting there are many serious security issues being found, fixed behind closed doors.

Anyway, it really seems impractical to add "backdoors" to operating systems rather than watching/tapping the entire network which is OS/device neutral itself.

For iOS devices? As Apple doesn't allow antivirus/firewall to their devices, some trojan may already exist without anyone knowing about it. That is the problem with iOS/App Store. You can't have "extra security" even if you want to pay for it. On Symbian/Android and even Pre-Win 7 mobile, if you are paranoid or carry sensitive data, you cough some money to Kaspersky/F-Secure and have extra security/firewall.

Comment Apple needs a psychologist/sociologist (Score 1) 145

As a person who still only uses Apple computers, I think Apple's "security issues", once exploited will be at computer Armageddon levels.

The reason is simple. Windows users have learned their lesson in Blaster era and figured the importance of firewall/antivirus and what the heck is a zero day. For Apple community, this didn't happen and there are millions of people who thinks they are somehow using some kind of "secure NSA terminal", downloading/running all kinds of junk out there and believing every promise naively.

I personally know my daily newspaper almost didn't print one day because some guy insisted on using Quark Classic on Mac OS and somehow managed to get infected by some archaic MacOS virus. To fix the situation, they really had to do some insane trickery as he was reviewing final copy which was supposed to sent to print. Why have all happened? Basically, he didn't believe the concept that Mac can be infected by a virus so he didn't bother to run antivirus on an operating system which viruses really exist.

Just imagine some kind of Blaster.OSX and remember in this community, they harass the security professionals and amateurs instead of thanking them. Some companies even gave up writing about OSX security in their blogs as they are tired of thousands of "snake oil seller!" comment on their blog comments.

Comment Count me as one but here is why (Score 2) 189

From TFA: However, H2G2 is unusual. It is a pre-existing community that the BBC brought into its fold, not a community that the BBC set up from scratch. So rather than closing it, we've decided to explore another option.

Now wait and see how many comments about deleting the site are posted here, and marvel at the number of people who don't read TFA...

Recently, BBC started to do really dumb things like disabling poor old "wap" site which may be still needed by some people (right, 1%) and wouldn't cost them anything. Some poor African having only access to a wap device may have been ended up out of BBC news for this reason.

They also messed up the entire making it like a tabloid newspaper site (they call it red top I heard) and even changed the domain to forcing millions of browser redirects.

A year earlier, we also saw Yahoo who also tries to save itself from doom with childish tricks rather than real fixes to rm -rf entire Geocities. The reason? How much money it would save? Nothing. They just swept entire 1990s web personal/general public culture without return and trendy IDIOTS here, on this very same /. site, cheered about it.

So, even if you know how Slashdot works, you can easily believe the headline and the scoop since these days, facebook/twitter bound idiots have no respect to web history.

Comment BBC, here is idea how to make money (Score 2) 189

Sell iPlayer subscriptions to non UK citizens, even for a higher price. Start with Apple universe if you don't trust to people having "more open" devices.

There are people who will happily buy "access right" to BBC TV starting with Americans.

Deleting sites of historical significance or making your top 10 site look like a tabloid newspaper with gigantic fonts and 3rd party spying "share this" buttons won't save you. Selling content will. Believe or not, not all "foreigners" are pirates and some are already paying similar amounts of money for VPN services in UK, for iPlayer.

Comment Man they have no respect at all? (Score 2) 189

Recently, I have read this article at The Register which itself is British.

There were some whining in article and the comments about British computers not being featured. It really seems to me that UK has lost their respect to old things even founded by legendary figures like Douglas Adams. So that was basically the reason, nobody really bothered to participate in that multi million project which even entities like BillG spared time and money.

Funny is, only organization I can come up for "saving" the site is American, Hope they fired up downloading already.

Comment Analogue era, it was different (Score 1) 189

Today, data can be compressed to amazing levels, especially html/image data and very cheaply.

I can bet there are thousands of "P2P downloaders" in Britain who does consume the data/space the poor old site uses, in a month.

They could have excuse for tape as tape is a really expensive medium, some idiot may really have come up with the idea of saving money like that. For digital data, even idiocy isn't an explanation.

Comment So what? (Score 1) 189

I just tried it for the first time and it's quite, ahem, rustic.

And the search? Curiously, the article titled "Earth" is the tenth result for the search term "Earth".

It can be old fashioned, not up to Google quality of search, no web 2 trickery but really, what kind of harm it does?

Fsck the Godwin law, it really started to look like nazis burning last copy books without return or the famous Alexandria library fire.

People have built the content so it should stay. Perhaps donated to a organization like or its British equivalent.

I am pissed about the Geocities rm -rf as well, I guess I am one of rare people who really knows the consequences of rm -rf of personal/organic data.

Comment Bandwidth especially Satellite (Score 1) 290

Speaking directly from TV World, there isn't such a bandwidth to duplicate channels. H264 has become such a hit because it does amazing amount of bandwidth savings compared to MPEG4-SP or MPEG2.

There can't be (without huge costs) a situation like top 16 mainstream channels airing in 2 bands, one in 2D, one in 3D.

If there were a standard in MPEG spec like 3D bits ignored by 2D receivers, just like analogue b&w/colour situation, things would be really different of course.

On my DVR Box,there are 4 movies consisting of 24 GB which I can't watch without buying an 3D TV from "LG". For me, it is waste of space. This is the issue I talk about. Of course, they just spend 7-8 hours of "3rd tuner" and my electricity to put them there. If we speak about actual, live TV on satellite, things really get ugly.

Comment Tape in a different location (Score 1) 680

Well, cheap backup with years of durability is tape. They will kill me for that but, ask any company why they still use it.
The issue could be, the price. Tape guys moved to enterprise level with enterprise features/interfaces and the price. I really don't know if some kind of semi-pro solution exists.
Obviously, you shouldn't store tapes in same location. A personal safe at bank etc.
If we are speaking about "I got backup anyway" peace of mind kind of offline backup solution, it is tape.

Comment Geocities, please don't forget (Score 1) 680

If we are just talking about photos, there are even more options. A Flickr Pro subscription allows unlimited photos for $25/yr with (optional) sharing of photos.

Until Yahoo kills the service and deletes all your data.

But I'm sure they'd never kill Flickr the way they killed
Yahoo Photos and
Yahoo Video
and deleted everyone's data, right?

Yahoo happily deleted dead people's personal webpages which cost them nothing in terms of bandwidth or processing power.
Most of pages were lame but they were still someone's page.

Comment Also let me remind (Score 1) 333

Google made Chrome x86 only before any other company on OS X land dared to post a non universal binary except Adobe who uses a lot of shared code between Win/OS X.

They didn't even bother to ship a Symbian player/demo/whatever. They could say "Youtube player, with WebM support" and release update to already established Youtube.

Of course, ARM CPU will choke to death when you get this marvelous idea of doing everything on CPU. Even a netbook with a tegra chipset will lose half of its promised battery life/performance as it will have to fallback to CPU.

The absolute comedy is, we are arguing about it while World's true media distribution giant (Apple) has no intention to re-invent the wheel and they agree to Microsoft on that. Apple has put considerable time&money to H264, it isn't like acquiring some unsuccessful codec company and release their stolen codec trusting to how big you are.

Comment As Google is rich (Score 1) 333

Can Google provide us, h264/mpeg sp accelerated device owners, such as less than a billion feature+ phone owners a software to play WebM?

There should also be some kind of remote chip attachment innovation as satellite boxes, dvr and like billion of devices won't accept "new software" as they do their job on hardware level.

Next, they should replace the satellites as entire industry adopted h264 a long time ago.

I have absolutely no idea which "deeper,evil" plan Apple has on this h264 debacle but let me say, I agree to SJobs and Apple on h264. Even Microsoft who is famous for re-inventing the wheel, didn't push their codec further and added h264 support. Ask them why, because it is superior to anything which is on market today and established. On hardware that is!

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