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Comment Those who don't learn from history are... (Score 1) 68

Did Ticketmaster inspire a national wave of independent concert venues?

Did Clearchannel inspire a renaissance of smaller radio stations?

Did Fox News, Discovery Channel et al inspire a resurgence of Community Cable television stations?

Did thoughtful and considerate newspapers appear when NYPost, DailyMail, and the Sun crowded out newsstands?

It's good that you want a better Fifth Estate -- don't be painfully naïve thinking it will happen without a fight.

Comment Re:Strange to do, why not use a dedicated browser? (Score 1) 208

I use uBlock Origin, and I haven't seen any new behavior yet.

I use uBlock Origin (and ScriptSafe, and other layers of tools), and I'm getting a mixed bag. Ad audio plays, but the ad video is black, and only at the start of a video, with no interruptions while watching. I'm sure I can update/kick uBlock to fix that if I want, but it's the least annoying YouTube ad behaviour I've experienced, so I'm not in a rush to discourage it.

Comment grammar (Score 1) 31

"to withdraw U.S. dollar funds from their account, they may do so by converting U.S. dollar funds to stablecoin"

The only way to decrement this number is to add a positive integer? The only way to take things out of this bag is to add more things to the bag?

Comment Re:Polls don't represent hard data (Score 1) 97

Young layabouts prefer FREE over PAID!!

You're assuming teens are sticking to the free tiers of YT. You're also assuming teens are paying for Netflix (rather than riding their parents account). The survey didn't ask anything about the financial angle, so it's a bit of a jump to draw that conclusion.

It's just as likely that teens simply prefer a less curated experience than Netflix.

Comment Re:Simon says (Score 1) 118

Look up "Reinheitsgebot" and "Maerzenbier" for two obvious examples.

That's where climate change will make a dent. The EU has a lot of legally-protected brands/styles (beers, cheese, wine, etc, etc) which are tied the climatology of a limited geographic range, and climate change is going to move those areas (and possibly make the style irreproducible through traditional methods).

Which sucks, but it's arguably one of the less troublesome aspects of climate change. Unless you're a producer of one of those protected products.

Comment creeping featuritis (Score 1) 14

We use Zoom every day at work, to keep our WFH team together. It works because we don't have constant monitoring and metrics, it's just there if we need it. Adding constant monitoring and metrics means we must second-guess anything we say now, which means we communicate less. Furthermore: these new features are added to the toolbar to increase customer engagement, but that shoves off the toolbar the features WE ACTUALLY USE, which ironically decreases our engagement with the product.

Comment Terrible office design - work from home is better (Score 2) 159

I'd happily sit under their watchful eyes if it was a nice place to work, but it isn't. Any of the "it's better to mingle" is lost in the audible/ visual/ cognitive noise of open-concept office design. Last time I went into the office, my co-worker had to shout to ask me a question because of the four simultaneous conversations around us, who in turn had to raise their voices to be heard over each-other. This went on for hours, and our office had only a small fraction of the 100+ people in one room we had before covid.

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All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
