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Comment Re:Industrial revolution standard procedure (Score 1) 174

Let me give you a couple of examples of cultural difference between China and Western Europe.

So what? Look, I don't even know how much of what you wrote is pure stereotyping or something more accurate. But it does not matter in the context of this discussion. None of those 'examples' are relevant to the discussion, at best they show a slightly different balancing of basic human needs from one culture to another. But in no way do they even suggest that any of those needs are negated in certain cultures.

Comment Re:Industrial revolution standard procedure (Score 5, Insightful) 174

Then again, other than freaks like Thoreau, most Americans weren't out hugging trees at the beginning of our Industrial Revolution either.

Bingo. This idea that "asian culture" is so different from "western culture" is just intellectually lazy. Sure there are differences, but fundamentally people are people, they all want the same stuff - food, air, water, sex, sleep, security, health, family, respect, creativity, etc.

The sort of reforms we saw that came in on the western industrial revolution aren't culturally specific, they are human-specific. The implementations will surely vary along with the timelines, but the end result will be the same because if it does not get to a similar point of satisifying universal human needs, it will collapse because the humans won't tolerate it indefinitely.

Comment Re:Obscure+ignorant, public+informed. Pick. (Score 3) 170

You should be able to know where I am at all times, and I should be able to know where you are at all times, and people who take steps to create obscurity around themselves should be treated as untrustworthy.

Yeah, not going to happen. The people with power will be able to game the system - they will figure out (or more likely hire) people to create false trails. Thinking that a panopticon society could ever be a level playing field is to ignore basically all of recorded history.

Comment Re:Scaling is the Key! (Score 1) 365

I take it you've had your new solar power system for less them three years, then? So haven't quite hint the point where you have to spend thousands of dollars replacing those lead acid batteries that provide power after sunset, on cloudy days, etc.? That's cool. I'm glad you feel good about replacing carbon dioxide with lead and acid.

Apparently you have not heard of grid-tied solar, where the homeowner does not have any batteries to worry about because the electric grid itself takes the place of the battery. This sort of set up is very common nowadays, I'm no expert but I wouldn't be surprised to find that ~90% of all residential solar installations are now grid-tied since not only does it eliminate the cost of batteries, it also eliminates the concern of not properly sizing the solar power system.

Grid-tie solar won't completely scale up to the point of totally eliminating power plants because you need some source of power when the sun goes down. But the majority of electricity usage occurs at exactly the same point in the day when solar power is the most abundant so it can go a long, long way to reducing the need for power plants without the environmental cost of hundreds of millions of lead-acid batteries.

Comment Re:Death of Slashdot? (Score 3, Informative) 522

Are there specific limitations on how much companies can accept by cash, by law?

No, there are not. However, there are PATRIOT act rules that require them to verify your identity to prove they aren't doing business with a "terrorist." Those rules are not technically cash-only, but cash is basically the only way to make a purchase that does not also involve officially identifying yourself - so you will get that bit of hassle.

Comment Re:This is big (Score 1) 189

This ruling is huge.

I agree. It is so important that we should fully expect that MAFIAA lobbyists to now focus their efforts on getting a bill passed to make the owner of the account legally culpable. They even have a case to point at and say, "this is a loophole in the currebnt law, just look how this court ruled."

Comment Re:it always baffles me (Score 1) 113

That's fine, until the device that you need to monitor is 27 miles away. Even RS-485 is only good for 4000 feet.

There are optical data-diodes (yes that is basically the industry term for a hardware unidirectional network connection).

the whole mess is located at a power dam that's an hour's drive away and has been snowbound for the last three months (real world example, BTW).

Most plants are going to manned. Which makes a manually-enabled 2-way network an option. Only pjhysically power it on for maintenance with a VPN and you've narrowed the vulnerability window down to practically nothing.

Comment Re:In version 20 Firefox will have built-in Emacs! (Score 1) 288

external binary plugins are much more susceptible to security problems than simply using the already existing JavaScript engine, which has been time tested to be secure.

How does noscript affect this? Am I going to have enable javascript for every site that has a PDF that I want to view?

Comment Re:Structural? (Score 1) 758

It's not hardwired: If it were, we'd be able to do these scans at birth or an early age and find similar patterns. But we don't.

On what basis do you say "we don't?" If these differences are only now being identified then it isn't necessarily a case of "do not" just "have not yet."

It's disengenuous to suggest these things are hard-wired because they imply they cannot be changed.

Structural != "hard-wired" it just means that there are different brain structures associated with specific traits. It isn't saying that the traits are immutable, just that if you have those traits you probably have a certain brain structure to back them up.

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