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Comment Selling solar to PG&E (Score 5, Informative) 328

I kind of gave up the dream of selling my spare solar power back to PG&E. They don't really pay me much under Net Energy Metering and Net Surplus Compensation (NSC). They're billing residential customers around 40-50 cents per kWh but they only pay a whole sale rate of a 4.256 cents.
I still do net metering to offset my usage. But the idea that I'm going to some how break even with these guys isn't possible anymore, not after they jacked rates so much in the last several years.
I did end up getting a whole house battery, mostly as a backup. The math doesn't work out where it's going to save money in my situation. While the utility bill is lower with a battery than without. The amount doesn't actually cover the cost of the battery for the life of the battery. As for the "life" of a battery, I'm going by the manufacturer's 12 year warranty.

Comment Re:Scalable is not enough (Score 1) 56

If that's the standard then dairy products wouldn't be available in parts of the US. Stuff is subsidized and regulated up the wazoo because people at the time felt it was a good idea to feed kids a regular supply of protein and calcium. (this was before we mandated feeding them corn syrup)

Comment It's a commercial website (Score 1) 108

At some point people gotta make money. EU has every right to determined how businesses make money from EU citizens. But cutting off every avenue is probably going to backfire, perhaps even isolate Europe's Internet. (I don't know for sure, I'm not trying to be an alarmist. I'm just putting it out there as a thought)

Comment Re: Screw the American auto industry (Score 1) 305

These guys are super arrogant. It's almost like executives know they will be OK financially, even if they run their company into the ground.

Plus government bail out loans with incredibly generous rates for unsecured debt. Maybe this time the ones running the auto companies won't bother paying back the loans and pivot their wealth some place else.

Comment root of the problem is human behavior (Score 1) 74

"That which is common to the greatest number gets the least amount of care. Men pay most attention to what is their own: they care less for what is common."
-- Aristotle

It takes an advanced culture and individual maturity to counter-act basic human nature that Aristotle identified and many have discussed through the centuries. So while you're goofing off with reactionary politics, can you stand back and let the big girls and boys take care of the serious problems?

Comment Re:Jokes on them. (Score 1) 49

Heck of a business to be in. Make a service that has been available for free in some form or another for decades. And then compete with dozens if not hundreds of other startups and open source projects. Maybe I should sell of the few shares of WORK (Slack) that I have.

We have had jabberd setup at work for about 15 years. But a few years ago, my work decided to pay for both Slack and Teams. Teams is sort of free, but not everyone actually wanted MS Office so it was only free in our IT department's weird fantasies.

How do I find my coworkers when we're on 3 different services. I run 3 different apps/tabs. Also a handful of coworkers refuse to use chat programs, and will video conference but only if you set it up via email in advance.

I'm not really trying to complain. More pointing out that the tech industry is full of brilliant people who can't even make a simple agreement on which nearly identical pieces of software to use company-wide.

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