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Comment Re:UK (Score 5, Insightful) 206

You don't seem to be aware of the massive benefits to business (and therefor the government via taxes) from being in the EU. It's not just a matter of working out if payments to the EU are greater than payments from the EU. And that doesn't even factor in the number of EU workers propping up vital institutions like the NHS, or the EU immigrants who are paying more taxes than they get from the government, etc. etc. etc.

You're proving their point - people who don't understand the EU being angry about the EU.

Comment Re:Trump owns it (Score 1) 664

Nationalised healthcare is cheaper than the US's current system. The US currently spends more per capita on healthcare than any country with nationalised healthcare, without all the benefits. If a person can go to college and get a job which will pay more taxes over their working life than if they did go to college, and if that increase in taxes is more than the cost of tuition, it will pay for itself.

It's not expensive. It's just cutting out lots of companies represented by powerful lobbyists, hence the reluctance of government to do anything about it.

Comment Re:Where is Germany's answer to Amazon? (Score 1) 141

There are plenty of online shops in the EU. Due to regulation they haven't all been gobbled up and become one massive shop.

The law in question isn't weird. You can push your Amazon button and get a substitute product. One you didn't explicitly agree to order. You weren't informed about what this replacement is, and can't compare prices as it's a mystery product. How is that weird?

Comment Re:Schills Show No Skillz (Score 1) 443

You are showing your ignorance again - every scientist's conclusions are suspect by default, as that's part of the scientific method, and why peer review exists and is used. That lets us weed out compromised research from honest research, and gives you all the technology and medicine your life depends on.

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