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Comment Re:well, that explains one reason why I don't like (Score 0) 72

You can save just as much money with a 1970s thermostat. Turn it down or off or up when you need to, simple as that.

Electronics? you're funny. Mercury switch might need a replacement at 20 years, bimetallic strip could need recalibration.. but just hang accurate thermometer next to it instead.

Comment Re:Huh? (Score 1) 128

It's the iPad pro that's not clear to me.

When we had new windows put on our old house before selling it, one sales guy had an iPad pro. He used it to take pictures of our house, loaded them into an app, and swiped through the different styles of windows so we could see what they looked like applied to our house in real-time. Once we picked what we wanted, he had a Bluetooth printer in his car that he used to print out the quote.

I guess you could do the same thing with a phone and a laptop, or a convertible laptop, but it's fewer things than the former, and smaller than the latter.

Comment Re: Japanification (Score 1) 259

Capitalism is pretty dog-eat-dog, yes it has definitely lifted standards of living but at this stage it's just exhausting...

If you want to, you can buy a chunk of land out in the middle of nowhere for almost nothing and subsistence farm. A lot of communes give this a shot. A lot of them fail, because it is arduous, continuous work. $35,000 a year making coffee for people seems pretty good when that's the alternative.

Comment 80's (Score 1) 107

Not sure when I got into computers, but it was really young. My parents bought me, what is probably, the very first V-Tech computer thing with an LCD display and membrane keyboard, about the size of a large hardcover book. I played with it every day for hours.

Then my Dad got me a VIC-20 from a garage sale, probably from someone upgrading to a C64. Taught myself basic from the "Learn Basic" manual it came with, with examples on tape. My dad played Omega Race on it for hours as well.

Comment Re:Healthcare should not be a profit center (Score -1) 237

BS, bull shit, there is no such thing as a 'human right' to any good, service, attention of any kind, including education, medical care, housing, food.

A human right is a protection against government (people in power) destroying you, taking your property away, taking your freedom and life away from you, that's what rights are.

As to privileges, such as health care, old age insurance, education, whatever, all of those things have to be provided and you are the one responsible for it.

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