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Comment Re: Tulips or reserve currency? (Score 1) 114

Everyone right now is definitely recognizing the conservative slant of the police in power. In modern democracies we have completely enshrined the ability to peacefully "speak truth to power." But the trucker protests are doing so in an illegal manner. You cannot block roads and bridges perpetually just because you've got a big truck that is hard to move. As right-wing capitalists, they should recognize you don't hamper commercial enterprise and get away with it. It wasn't long ago that these same truckers (in a demographic) didn't want to go into cities where BLM protests were blocking roads and marching on bridges. I shouldn't have to recall how truck(s?) drove into crowds not very long ago.

Comment Re:Microsoft's programmers (Score 1) 124

Assume the point of the computer is running windows/MS products, it is never turned off (let alone for longer periods), has permanent broadband connectivity and the user uses it exactly how they thought up the "flow"

The latest on this front, is "Modern Connected Standby" - its the worst sleep mode idea ever.

Comment Re:What I want in a vaccine requires only 1 word: (Score 1) 82

I agree, for the anti-vaxxers there's just not much we can do. The rest of us want a multivalent vaccine, we'll take it as needed (hopefully once a year) just like the flu shots. Time is on our side, we can show its safety and efficacy and eventually, perhaps, the antivax crowd will realize how ridiculous they are acting.

Sarcasm Mode. Or our balls will fall off and they'll point their fingers and laugh at us. Or they'll die off. Either way the world will keep turning, with or without us. I just wish people were nicer about things and stop forcing things on each other, as if a trucker needs to have a vaccine requirement. The pro-vax crowd acts like the mortality rates are way higher, and the anti-vax crowd acts like the vaccine will give them the plague.

Comment Re:Vax little to no help against Omricon (Score 1) 311

A country of 65,000,000 people needs 17,000 people to die each day in order to remain stable.

I'm not sure how we can take seriously anything you are saying. I'd love to agree with some of it, but you should slow down a little.

Comment Re:Research into new antibiotics (Score 1) 101

"the presence of Salmonella on finished meat samples is not a proxy for adequate pathogen controls at processing plants"
Do a few searches on chicken, and astonishingly beef too, if you're wanting a good scare. Eat less chicken, handle it well, wash your hands and cook it thoroughly. Buy your beef from a local locker that will dry age it.

Comment Re:Taxes go to the state (Score 1) 646

Did we already forget what life was like the last five years? The last twenty? When Bush went into office he said the debt was going to disappear, then the dotcom bubble burst and since then we've used deficit spending to goose the economy and play a game where we make believe we're doing fine (and probably to try to keep up with China which plays its own games.) Point being the economy is NOT doing as well as some would like us to believe, its all a house of cards built on a ballooning debt. Trump's tax breaks were obviously what allowed the economy to hum along as well as it was, same with the Obama years, he wasn't prepared to run anything close to a balanced budget. The percentage of our yearly deficit spending to GDP has been very high and was worse under Trump - don't let the Republicans fool you with their renewed calls for all of a sudden paying attention to deficit spending now that they're not in power. Furthermore the low unemployment was a mirage due to all those who quit looking for work. In my community and elsewhere there are more job openings than those who could fill them and this is true now more than ever.

To pivot a little more on topic, I have believed ever since covid19 came along that the right thing to do, even more so now, is to have Medicare for all. I believe it would be better for all workers, and potential workers, to guarantee for every American that they have health care covered and they can go get what ever job they are capable of and not have to worry if it includes health care coverage. It'll do just a little more to help with this present financial disparity in a real way, every month. There are a lot of "front lines" lower wage workers that should be covered and be less afraid of their health risks.

Comment Re: What a load of bullshit (Score 1) 212

The "pro choice" contingent wants to argue life begins at insemination, and perhaps on some level that has some truth to it - but that is just irrelevant. The "fetus" is a total dependent at that moment and for quite a lot longer. It is only "viable" at about midway point through pregnancy due to the costs and miracles of modern medicine. Which should we need to be reminded that pregnancy and child birth are NOT free in America? So it really should be "my body my choice", because no one else can do this for the "host", who alone should have a say in the matter. Furthermore - it is my belief that not one single church should have a say in the matter, or have a voice worthy of being heard unless they run a free or subsidized day care. How can a church preach the sanctity of human life and love of neighbour when they would do nothing to help them in their journey? This is equivalent in my mind, to when Jesus did not want the adulteress (mind you, also the woman alone, where was the man?) stoned for committing adultery. People, including the Christian Church in America, forget just how challenging the teachings of Jesus really were.

Comment Re:Free PS Plus games have also stopped working (Score 1) 67

That sucks - I was going to post something snarky about how the Wii classic titles store (shop channel?) is closed which is worse, but maybe its not. Hopefully Nintendo couldn't revoke any of those old game downloads since the store is now defunct.

all previously purchased content can still be re-downloaded indefinitely

Based on that wording, I would guess it still functions in some way and may be able to revoke?

Comment Re:what it really means (Score 1) 83

Absolutely all of this. You know what else was JUST IN THE NEWS!!?

On Friday morning, Bloomberg reported that Google and Apple have removed longtime opposition leader Alexei Navalny's voter guide app from the App Store and Google Play store in Russia. Activists have charged the companies with bowing to Kremlin pressure.

Comment Double speak and pure lies (Score 1) 145

We ... see what we are doing here as an advancement of the state of the art in privacy, as enabling a more private world

This is just incredible, up is down level lying. I hope the public blow back on this continues - this is NOT privacy and this is absolutely a bad path to take. Before we know it they'd be doing AI detection and your teenagers will get in trouble for sending their high school flings late night texts, and the rest of the class will get in trouble for distribution.

Comment Re:It will all be fine (Score 1) 158

The problem, is that its all politics. All this gas lighting, mincing words and context to try to suggest Trump didn't call it a hoax. All of us that have lived through it can't YET leave the trolls alone so we take the bait. Maybe some day we will try to leave politics out of it but the "China Virus" was politicized from the very beginning. I for one am glad that Trump's uncontrollable lying finally got him into trouble. His lack of truth and empathy cost him dearly; I believe he could've won the election if he would've handled it with grace and tact - two more things he is short on. Trump thought every situation could be attacked, that there was nothing too low to throw more mud and lies at. A disaster is something he is not equipped to handle.

Comment Re: What's important wasn't in the article (Score 1) 122

The left is a big tent, they're still learning how to unite and excite their base and yet win national elections. The right in the meantime is jettisoning the old guard and those who disagree with the carrot man. It is fairly easy to see who pulled to the center and (thus) won the last election. If the left can stay away from the hot button culture war issues I believe that time is exceedingly on their side. Say the courts overturn abortion - what issues then would the right champion? Republicans care little to govern aside from lowering taxes and reducing regulations - there are a myriad of issues facing our nation and they're not well equipped to handle them. See Social Security for example. Anyways, I ultimately believe Trump lost on his Covid lie. He tells many lies, its basically all he does, but that one was his undoing.

Comment Re:For the record (Score 1) 146

Republicans believe in lowering taxes, small government... and very bad long term memory. We should all forget how they used the Fed to buy junk bonds. How they handed out bogus Paycheck Protection loans to churches, farmers and anyone else who could get through the mazes of paper work with their friendly local banker. Republicans believe in their own forms of election fraud via disenfranchisement and redistricting. This all said, Democrats aren't perfect either - right now they're prioritizing every tree like each one will fix global warming, all the while lumber costs are experiencing insane inflation. Fed unemployment check bumps will sustain through the summer while industries all over are having a hard time finding workers leading to shortages everywhere that will get worse in the next few months.

Personally I'm enjoying all this crow, I am NOT a believer in "two income" families and wish that more people would make do with less in a healthier family where mom (or dad) can stay home. And if there's really all these jobs available maybe wages would go up for those who do work.

Comment Re:Those poor Uyghurs (Score 1) 38

I'm still using a first gen iPhone SE. It is just incredible that these things are over 5 years old and still get updates. I plan to use it as long as I can, this has been a much better experience than anything the low end Android world can offer. Even if you can afford to spend more, there's just so much value in these used/old iphones.

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