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Comment Carlin never said stuff (Score 0) 129

He said "shit". He talked about people running out of room for their shit and having to get a bigger house so they could put more shit into it. And that is what 90% of what most people own is, shit. Even more so now that both software and hardware tech are designed around planned obselesence. That nice new smart phone or table you have will be shit in 12 to 18 months when the new model comes out. And your personal information is shit too. The price of all your personal information google has on you is probably less than $1.00 when they sell it.

Ponder that for a minute.

Comment Re:Not so special (Score 1) 572

You haven't spoken to an HR department lately have you. Recently I had to file a ticket and then get into an email war with a gumby in India(?) after they shorted my paycheck. Why, pray tell, did they short my paycheck? Because they thought working 4 10 hour days was unauthorized overtime. It finally took the intervention of two managers to convince payroll that the overtime laws in the US were different than those in whatever 3rd world country with pretensions of greatness the person was from.

Comment Hmmm,,, let's make it useless (Score 1) 622

First off, given the fact that NSA created then cracked RSA type encryption about ten years before it was invented by RSA, all encryption should be considered cracked. I propose we make the next few months a "call a [Muslim | member of WAR | Tea partier | Socialist Workers Party | Wobbly | Other fringe group member] month]. Use a bogus code like:
Alice: The swallows fly over Tehran
Bob: Paris has many sparrows in the sky
Alice: The sky over Paris is glowing in the spring.
Bob: Springfield is a city in America.
Alice: In Springfield Homer prepares his couch.


Pump so much noise into the system as to make it useless.

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