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Comment Experiment is the source of scientific truth (Score 1) 259

We have an overwhelming set of experiments and observations about momentum being conserved. But if someone can show a replicable exception someday, we'll have a huge overhaul to do.

My questions about this would include whether the inventor has given enough information for other people to build one. Then I'd look around to see if it's, by some unknown mechanism, reacting against something in the environment.

Comment Re:Sounds like the current censoring of TikTok (Score 1) 53

But American users, too, would keep their freedom to choose what apps to run (including TikTok) if they could just download their own software to the iPhone. It's only Apple's control-freakery that enables this interference by governments. In 2000 the idea of banning a piece of software would have seemed unenforceable. Even if you block its main download site, anyone could download a copy from somewhere else. We live in a much less free world now, and that's mainly thanks to the efforts of companies like Apple to strip users of control over their own computing devices.

Comment Re:Sounds like the current censoring of TikTok (Score 3, Insightful) 53

Well, what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. Apple has spent years building a tightly controlled walled garden and blocking any way for users to choose for themselves what software to run on their device. Only very recently (in the EU) have regulators started to push for greater openness. But of course, if Apple creates a locked-down device with total control, authoritarian governments will want to take that control for themselves -- and Apple, "obeying local laws" has no way to refuse those demands.

If your iPhone allowed you to download and install your own software, and not just as some special concession in certain markets but as the normal way it works, then it would be much harder for China or other countries to block particular apps.

And yes, there are certainly arguments in favour of a walled garden, for banking apps or for movie playback with DRM or for corporate paranoia about employee devices. And arguments against it too. It's not my intention to open a big discussion on those right now, just to note that Apple is getting a taste of its own medicine.

Comment Re:Advertising (Score 1) 50

Two completely different approaches to AI art:

* Just prompting text
* Actually doing work

For those that are actually doing work, you begin with a rough sketch (lines or a simple color image), then constrain the AI art generation to use your line art sketches.

Then you follow up by inpainting areas which look janky, rerolling the AI art RNG for small areas.

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