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Comment Best way to take down a drone (Score 1) 40

It might be more fun with your Mini-14, XM8, or 1911A but the best way is a garden hose with one of those pistol grip spray heads attached. You can easily hit something forty feet away and once you get enough water on those propellers, it will lose altitude and you can blast it further. At some point it will fail and enter free-fall, making it easy to retrieve whatever is left of the soaked and smashed package.

Comment What kind of notes? (Score 1) 187

Digital gets some flack, but having the ability to copy the file and edit it later including moving text blocks is a big step forward.

For class notes, however, I always use a fountain pen on lined paper. It tends to stimulate the memory more.

For organizing text, I use notecards and string. This beats the digital format.

For every other type of notes, including to-do lists, I use a text editor on each device connected to a cloud storage. This way I can see and edit files on all devices. The editor should not be doing the syncing, a cloud app or operating system shared disk should, in my view, so I use a variant of this approach.

For Windows I use EditPad Lite, for Android I use Editor, and on Lunix or BSD, old habits die hard and I use vi.

Comment Perhaps a simpler answer (Score 1) 37

Start using CCTV to capture faces and prosecute people for taking part in riots that were clearly criminal activities. They are all accessories to theft, assault, and murder, and we can get five or ten years in the pen for each one of them. Do that at one riot, and the habit of having riots goes away quickly, just like people jumping onto passing cars to claim the insurance money stopped after dashcams became normal.

Comment Apples and oranges (Score -1, Troll) 37

One riot, enabled by pulling back the capitol police, is not equivalent to one and a half years of violent rioting in which multiple people died and whole downtowns were removed from the economy. More Black people now live in food desserts than ever before, thanks to BLM and Antifa. As far as January 6 goes, this was a riot that would have been easily contained if the Pelosi crime family had not pulled back and understaffed the capitol police, who apparently opened the front doors for the rioters despite those being security doors designed to resist riots.

Comment Passing the Buck (Score 0) 37

1. Government passes the buck to online retailers
2. Online retailers hire people for this task, pass cost on to small sellers
3. Small sellers raise prices
4. Consumers pay more for assurances of safety that are quickly worked around

Democracy, folks. Passing laws, passing the buck, and passing down costs. The costs always get passed on to the consumer.

Comment The windows ecosystem is broken (Score 1) 199

I remember when Dwight Silverman penned a column called "Here's why the Windows ecosystem is broken." His point was that PC makers made money by including crapware on PCs, which meant that you could never just start one up and have a good computing experience; you had to spend a few hours removing all the nonsense and configuring privacy settings. In the same way, the internet ecosystem is broken. These companies make their money from advertising to you, which requires proctological levels of invasive monitoring. I de-Googled this year, have refused to use Apple for 35 years, and am slowly backing away from all other services based on this model. It is the principle of the thing: I want to decouple from all dying industries which are selling information to the highest bidder, since this is abusive and if I consent to it, I am encouraging the abuse of myself and others, something I cannot ethically or pragmatically support.

Comment Displacing native labor (Score 1) 159

Translation: let's just lower everyone's pay by diluting the labor market.

I live in a 75% non-White area which is amazingly diverse and has people from all over the world. It has its benefits, but one downside to illegals is that they entirely displace people from whole swathes of the labor market. For example, food service, janitorial, construction, and lawn care are 100% illegals here now. Kids cannot get summer jobs because they are already taken, and even if the wages are normal, the illegals seem to be more easily bullied into working long hours which I am not sure get reported. This has been most devastating on the Black community who found many of their traditional sources of income totally dried up. It forces most people into office jobs where they get paid more, taxed more, and feel more miserable, according to the faces of the average office workers I see.

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