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Comment Re:Only if we market extra learning courses as ext (Score 1) 268

As some of them moved, food prices would've gone up, the incomes of the remaining farmers would've risen and they'd gradually become able to afford the phone service.

And if that meant a bunch of people starving in the mean while, I say fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

But on a more serious side, you figure it's better to extract a not-so universal service fee from the population (even the population that has no phone) in the form of higher food costs than in the form of a small fee tacked on to the phone bill?

I know very well how the market works and doesn't work. Yes, I said the ultimate blasphemy and I meant it. The market doesn't always work. Hammers are quite useful, but the world is not composed entirely of nails.

Riddle me this. Private schools have been perfectly legal since forever. They have always been permitted to compete against the public schools. In some places parents have the option of applying all of the money that would have gone to the public school for their children and applying it to a private school instead.

So why hasn't that created an embarrassment of surplus funds? Why haven't those states seen a jump in standardized test scores? Where are all these kids who don't know about evolution coming from?

I find it amusing you claim health care. Laughable even. Did you know that in the U.S. we spend twice as much per-capita on health care as the UK with it's socialized medicine? We spend more than any country in the world, but we are only ranked 16th on measures of outcome. And meanwhile, other than a few who receive government based health insurance (medicare/medicaid) or veterans who use the VA system, healthcare in the U.S. has always been private and is to this day (Since the ACA mandates haven't kicked in yet).

The fact that you threw healthcare into the mix with public schools suggests that you haven't given this much real thought.

Comment Re:Only if we market extra learning courses as ext (Score 1) 268

Actually, the monopoly was for other reasons entirely. I was referring to the universal service mandate that required Bell/AT&T to provide service even where it wasn't profitable. You know those places that are still stuck on dial-up? Thy wouldn't have phones at all if not for that intervention.

Before you say something like "too bad, they should move", I'll remind you that if they move, nobody will be growing food anymore.

Having a PC or a car didn't matter at all until somewhat later in the game when they were already getting much cheaper.

One approach would be to make the tailored education universal like they did for phone service.

Comment Re:We can trust them (Score 1) 262

No, I cannot trust them. Any truth I might derive from their utterances comes from assuming that their intent is to deceive and then to lie about the deception. That is not trust.

Not trusting them doesn't men I shouldn't evaluate what they have said in an attempt to get at a purely unintentional disclosure of truth. In lies, as in gifts, it's the thought that counts.

Comment Re:We can trust them (Score 0) 262

They use weasel words so they can maintain a thin pretense that they "didn't *actually* lie". That doesn't alter the fact that they most certainly did intend to have people believe something other than the truth (that is, they lie).

That their method of lying can provide useful hints of the truth doesn't alter that one little bit. They are still habitual liars.

Comment Re:SLOP syndrome (Score 4, Insightful) 193

The courts have thrown up their hands and stated PUBLICLY that they can no longer reign this in. So much for judicial oversight. The NSA blatantly lied to Congress and has faced no consequences for it. So much for legislative oversight.

As for 2 or three, you maintain that it's fine to beat someone into a coma and as long as someone somewhere was killed outright the coma victim and family have no right to complain?

Sorry, I would prefer not to set the bar as low as Russia or China. Not the worst is not much of an aspiration.

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