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Comment Re:Reform (Score 1) 251

Look, anybody who wants to see anything different has got to tell me how we de-centralize.

There's a plan in VA to float their own currency, but there won't be enough support to make that happen. There are too few people in every state who care about such issues to make any real progress before a massive crash.

That's the key insight behind the Free State Project - concentrate all the people who 'get it' in one jurisdiction, fix that jurisdiction, and then when the rest crash they'll have a model to look to for rebuilding (and when they rebuild upon sustainable grounds, many of the activists will move back to their favorite geography).

Doing it the same way it's been done for 150 years will lead the the same results - that should be self-evident.

Comment Re:Not exactly news (Score 1) 251

Who or what was coordinating it?

The Federal Reserve Bank. Controlling the world's reserve currency gives it unequalled power. Greenspan himself said he was going to replace the NASDAQ bubble with a housing bubble and has admitted to (bragged about) bullshitting Congress to do it. A bubble is by definition illusory wealth and The Fed purposely set interest rates artificially low to create the illusion of wealth. Now they've replaced the housing bubble with a monetary bubble and the same people who were calling the housing crash are calling a monetary cash.

I'm don't get why so many people are so intent to deny these actors' own words about what they're doing - maybe they need to maintain the illusion that government is infallible to excuse the power they have over the people.

Comment Re:What a surprise! (Score 1) 251

Overt anti-social behaviour is to be punished, that's the whole point of laws.

This is pure grade-school fantasy. The whole point of granting permanent corporations is to encourage anti-social behavior and absolve the corporate actors from personal responsibility (as a means to concentrate power and wealth in the hands of an oligarchy and away from the people). In the US permanent corporations simply did not exist before the post-civil-war period, when JD Rockefeller essentially bought off Congress to allow them for the sake of Standard Oil.

The Founders knew what the problems were with the corporations of the British Empire and mercantilism and meant to avoid a repeat of those abuses.

The international banking cartel are essentially the new mercantilists.

Comment Re:Get a rope! (Score 1) 251

A key event being the abrogation of the Glass Stingall [sic] Act

The authority in the Glass Steagall Act didn't go away - Gramm-Leach-Bliley transferred the authority to the Federal Reserve to manage the banks.

Now, many of those banks have seats on the Federal Reserve Board, but that's an argument that the Fed is corrupt and needs to be disbanded after a failed century-long experiment.

Comment Re:They're your ruling class (Score 1) 251

There is next to nothing to stop some crazed nutbag, or a concerted group, from offing one of them in broad daylight except the rule of law.

Well, they could stop doing things that anger the populace. One of the US Presidents (Jefferson, I think) used to complain about one local guy who would always stop by and talk his ear off when he was trying to get work done.

There are very real reasons why the current heads of State need armed guards.

Comment Re:You must be stupid, stupid, stupid (Score 1) 311

threw Fedora out the window with its latest round of Gnome g-nuttiness and systemd system-dithering and has hopped over to Ubuntu.

You're a bit behind the times - the state of Fedora was enough to make Cox switch to Ubuntu. The state of Ubuntu was enough to make Cox quit linux kernel development entirely.

Comment Kompromat (Score 1) 266

There was a prominent article a few years back from an ex-intelligence guy warning Assange that he would be the victim of kompromat (most frequently a sexual honeypot). That subsequently Assange happened to be accused of rape by a woman who was thrown out of Cuba on charges of working with the CIA may be mere coincidence (a valid roll on a million-sided die) but regardless, Assange wasn't able to put his organization over his hormones, which calls into question the appropriateness of his leadership.

Meanwhile, Daniel Ellsberg, the last generation's Assange, is calling for Obama's impeachment.

Comment Re:How about graduated scale or deregulation ? (Score 1) 582

UPS, FedEx or any other private company would do if allowed to compete - pick large cities and only serve that market.

Except they already serve almost all of the country now, which disproves that hypothesis ... and the value of their service is a function of the Network Effect. Amazon wouldn't ship UPS if they only served major cities...

Comment Re:How about graduated scale or deregulation ? (Score 1) 582

Private carriers aren't allowed to deliver standard mail, so they are prohibited from competing with the USPS. Therefore, you can't say private carriers are less efficient than the USPS.

Actually, the people who have tried anyway had a rate half that of the USPS. Of course the government shut them down, because monopolies are efficient and virtuous.

Comment Re:It's a sordid tale. (Score 1) 582

If the Postal Service were to keep their money safe, it would be the only government agency whose retirement system wasn't a Ponzi scheme (which should inform people about all the rest). But even at that, they're being asked to pay now for future retirees who they will have to hire, but without the revenue to fund them. So it's a little bit too much. Then again, what is a defined benefits package other than a way to skimp on current expenditures and leave the payments to the next generation? Switch the whole lot to 401(k) systems and be done with it, I say.

Regardless, the way Congress gets away with this is by having control over the postage rate. If USPS was charging the ~75 cents per letter that they need to, then people would get pissed off and call their Congressman, ostensibly creating a feedback cycle. But, being our all-knowing masters, they think they can decide the revenues and expenses based on wish alone, and make it all work, completely detached from the business itself.

Personally, aside from Netflix and Christmas on Sunday every seven years, I don't really care about Saturday delivery. UPS and Fedex will do Saturday for more money, so that just leaves Netflix.

Comment Re:If this can happen ... (Score 3, Insightful) 241

So is the penalty for fraudulently making a DMCA claim essentially zero? No legal penalties for such lies?

Who's donating to the re-election campaigns, the MPAA or the Brights?

Pretending like the government cares about justice or fairness, in spite of all evidence to the contrary, just because our grade school teachers told us some mythical interpretations of history, is what gets us to this situation.

And pretty much nobody cares. Where are the mass protests against no-knock raids (remember when proper serving of a warrant was required by the Constitution?) What happened to the mobs on the Mall protesting the wars and the USAPATRIOT Act?

Knowing how the home invaders behave, the only reasonable response by anybody who is informed is to shoot anybody who enters the home making this claim. The odds are probably in your favor. Better to be tried by twelve than carried by six, and all that. And that appears to be the only way for ordinary citizens to change the incentive equation (much to my dismay).

Similarly, nobody is going to fix DMCA (at least not unless a currency crisis changes everything). If the atheists are being harassed by some religious group via DMCA, the only options available to them at this point are retaliation by the same means or public shaming, if they can pull it off (but who will report the story, the big corporate news that files DMCA takedowns?).

You have no idea how much I wish this weren't the situation, but take away the thin veneer and this is the way things are.

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