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Comment Re:Why? (Score 2) 152

A CRL server is a mission critical server that should stay up 24-7.

In order for that to happen you'll need a significant monetary incentive based on uptime. Without that you're going to get a server that's up most of the time.

Comment Re:Always a niche (Score 0) 317

There are a lot of kid that learn quickly and easily that still need the crap beat out of them.

I think the teachers should keep track of which children have been beaten. Then at the end of the year, they should take all the rest into the gymnasium and beat the crap out of them while the rest of the student body watches. That'll teach them to be smart asses.

Comment Re:Easy is easy (Score 1) 147

I don't think that anyone with a demonstrated IQ of less than 155 and completed PhD should be allowed to vote. I'd also like I economics test and a scientific literacy test added. Would that be OK with you?

Actually, I think its the "woo hoo I made it through collage(sic)" people are more of a problem than the people who quit after high school.

Comment Re:Easy is easy (Score 2, Informative) 147

Anonymous cowards tend to be morons and I'd put you in that category. The problem is often not the lack of photo ID, but the lack of a photo ID that is a character for character match for birth records. What happens when you move. The people who move the most are the people who can't afford $13 every time them move. How long does it take the voter registration change to be enacted? How does someone who is living on the streets (but still entitled to vote) prove their eligibility?

How many people truly can't afford one of the above?

It doesn't matter. If the answer is one or more, it is unconstitutional. Ever elligible is entitled to vote. Any law that prevents someone who has a right to vote from voting is illegal. Vote early/vote often is a strawman argument from the right that doesn't actually occur. Whereas Republican Secretaries of State (Blackwell, Harris) preventing eligible voters from voting is well documented and thousands of times the votes of any alleged voter fraud.

Comment Re:Easy is easy (Score 2) 147

Identification Cards should be provided for Free (once per year) and paid for by taxes.

And if a person has moved since their free ID card was provided they lose their right to vote? How about people that don't have an address? Do they lose their right to vote? How about students? What address does their ID say? Do they have any choice in where they vote? How about people whose birth certificate has errors, or the electronic record for their birth has errors. Who pays the price for rectifying those errors. How about people who have changed their names? How about people who haven't changed their names but use their middle name as their first name on every record but their birth certificate? How about people who have multiple addresses? How do you handle their choice of voting district. Personally I think you shouldn't be voting due to inability consider the consequences of your actions.

Comment Re:Easy is easy (Score 3, Informative) 147

Yes, but without proper documentation we won't know if they are legal eligible to vote.

Yet somehow we survived as a country without such requirements in the past.

But unfortunately, elections in this country are decided by who doesn't vote. And conservatives (i.e. Republicans) have recognized they they are the one who win when people don't vote. So they make it difficult for people who vote for Democrats to vote. That would be the poor, primarily. The primary attributes that poor people have in common are frequent address changes. So the "voter ID" laws are designed to disenfranchise anyone who has changed their address within a year of the election. You do that by putting the registration deadlines as early as possible. You have to show an ID to register, and if your address has changed by the election, you won't be able to vote. Especially because the Republicans are printing flyers threatening arrest if you show up with invalid ID.

Similarly, they disenfranchise students by making a gun registration form acceptable ID, but a student ID is not.

And, if course, that guy living in a doorway on main street isn't going to have valid ID even though he is as elligible to vote as the Mayor is. Maybe moreso, because if the mayor is a Republican, he's probably a felon.

Comment Re:wow (Score 2) 649

I don't know enough about the site to have an opinion; but if a foreign national, living in a foreign country, stole my identity and ran up charges on my US-based credit cards, tapped out my US-based bank, I would sure hope that US law enforcement (assuming they investigated and agreed there was enough evidence to prosecute) could get the cooperation of the government of the foreign country where the thieves lived and have them extradited for trial here.

You don't have enough money for US law enforcement to care about someone in Ukraine stealing your identity. Seriously. International law enforcement is for the corporations to use. Not you.

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Term, holidays, term, holidays, till we leave school, and then work, work, work till we die. -- C.S. Lewis
