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Journal Journal: Wow. 1

I am scaring myself with the sheer academic ability I possess. My spelling may suck but that's another matter. I just finished four labs in less than 8 hours of total work. It boggles my mind the sheer volume of work I can accomplish once I put my mind to it.

Vacation Plans:

I'll be seeing some Chuck-ification in Canton/Postdam/where-ever-the-hell on Friday night. :-) I'm very looking forward to that. Then I'm headed down to retrieve my laptop from the Glitterbunny. After that, I'm headed to Read's to visit, and hopefully I'll be able to convince him to go see Dan in Springfield for his Q-finals for College A Capella, which i just found out about last night, then it's off to home sometime Sunday or late Saturday.

Mostly it'll be a cleaning break so the old man can stop having a hernia over the state of the house. I have "earned" the title of "cleaning bitch" quite thoroughly, so that will be the extent of my break.

There is a conflict between Bad Taste and Flogging Molly in Rochester. Bad Taste 'cums' but once a year, and FM is a multi-time thing. It may also be Dan's last Bad Taste, so I'm trying to decide... It's a lot of waiting, and the drive back to Rochester, then Buffalo is going to be a _whore_ so I am really divided... Someone help.

Other than that, it's a boring update!


User Journal

Journal Journal: What the HELL?!?!

I was getting out of my car after scarfing some dead cow, and some girl walked by, stopped at my door, and as I got out she said "New Hampshire rules, and I _love_ your license plate." and gave me her number. .... WHAT!?!?!?

So here's to that random cute-ish blonde girl that I'll never see again.
So here's to fate and chaos and string theory.
So here's to you, Kelly. I'll never call you, but hey, it's a nice thought. ... Right. Sorry, you don't even register on the radar. Then again, the radar is a little biased O:-)

Night all!

User Journal

Journal Journal: Almost there... 1

Well, classes are over. I now have to rush to finish all my make up work on time for Tomorrow. It shouldn't be a real problem. I've been working most every day for the last two weeks about 8-9 hours at a go, maybe 12 hours total a day.

Though this weekend was a total lazy-fest. And I loved it.

With any luck, Kyle and I will finish his monster machine tomorrow night, just in time for me to go home and melt into some nice studying before my exams on Friday.

At least I'm used to getting up for 8:00am classes. And I'd like to tip my fleece ski cap to RIT for not making 7:00am the earliest final anymore. ON SATURDAY. Satanic fucks. Ooops? did I say that? Nah.

Today's weird IM convo:

Cynth: Guess what I put you on hold for???
Me: what?
Cynth: To schedule a physical!!
Cynth: yayyyy!
Me: YAY!!
Cynth: March 11th
Me: *does the pill dance*
Me: (constricted by the chair and the massive amount of computers here, it looks more like i'm constipated, but hey, it's the thought that counts)

In other news... has gone to the shitter. They're getting paid off by major companies to slam competitors. They used to be cool, but now they are just like every other shit-piss-poor excuse for a 'news source'

My folding addiction has caused me to sell off old hardware and get new low-end stuff and overclock it (and no, Sparky, I'm not spending any money - notice the 'sell off old hardware' bit) For example - dual PIII-450 - USELESS for folding - still damn useful as a Linux Server - Going on Ebay next week. Hard Drives are selling like cotton candy on campus - and there's my alliteration for the week.

Mrrrow :-)

User Journal

Journal Journal: I think I need a default state object.

I am confused. That will be my default state from now on. I am confused, frustrated, lonely and inept. There we go, far more of a thorough description.

Anyway. Classes end on Friday. I've got at least 18 hours worth of work to do in 36 hours. You do the math. I have been programming for at least 8 hours a day for the last three days. I will soon be speaking C. Though I'm not complaining too much, I might be able to take up kernel hacking by the time I'm done with all this.

I need less ambiguity in my life, and a lot more concreteness. Please help if you can.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Holy Thorax Thursday

I'm out of Electronics I and ASL. Next quarter, and some time down the line I'll get back into them.

Took my exams in programming and in DoE, and things are looking decent. Hopefully I'll be able to pull off an A in programming and a B in DoE. We'll see.
Missing two weeks out of a ten week quarter sucks ass.

I'm accumulating quite a stash of Kyle's hardware. He needs to pay me for it. Now.

Tonight is Sauce Night. I'll be slaving in the kitchen for a few hours. Yay. But it'll pay off, I hope. Mmm Sauce. I wonder how the garlic bread will be 0:-)

Must get food. Must Moo.


User Journal

Journal Journal: Pathetic.

That's what you are.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Update-tacular!

Got my wisdom teeth out. I'll spare you all the description. If you want to know, IM. The ordeal has been enough and writing about it will just annoy me. Talking about it is fun because people make funny faces hearing about my experience.

Lost a motherboard today. The fan on the northbridge went south (ha ha) and it fried the chipset. Can't even boot linux. Damnit! Gonna need to replace it.

Successful day today, got permission to make up everything in Statistics (Design of Experiments)
and obtained authorization to withdraw from Electronics.

The usefulness continues tomorrow!

More updates soon, I promise!

User Journal

Journal Journal: Back to it!

Well, my headlights aren't blue, they're white. And they're not going to blind anyone.

I took a beating on my Electronics exam. I don't know how bad yet, though. We'll see.

Ass busting has commenced!

Hardware is slowly getting closer to happiness.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Van Update and others.


I got some of those funky super blue headlights for the van. They match the color :P

I rocked my DOE exam today. YAY!


I hit a f*ing pothole today and dented my rim. I have to replace it. I am SO unhappy about this. And I lost my hubcap. :-(

My face still hurts. Ten more days.

And the drama continues!!!

User Journal

Journal Journal: Poor Poor Journal!

I have neglected you so!

Break's updates:

I got my Tbred-A 1800/1533 up to 2005. Yes. 30%.
The cooling is an issue. Once it rises above 29C, it's done. I need to get some higher CFM fans on the radiator, I think. Or it's Peltier time!

I just got a new car. 1999 Dodge Caravan. 69K miles (high, but all highway) Color blue. Power everything, even nutsack. Dual slidey doors. I am in love with this van. It's hot. Well, not quite _that_ hot, but still pretty sexy. D34DC0W is my plate.

I'll be bringing back a nice fast chip for my secondary system. Another Tbred-A 1800/1533. I'll probably only get this beast up to 150/12.5 for 1875 MHz on Alpha PAL8045 and Tornado cooling. But guess what, it's still SHIT fast, and folds like the wind. My folding farm is coming along nicely. I expect around ten WU a day just from school. Plus my borged machines at home should give me another ten. 20 WU a day is FAT. :)
Okay, so I'll never catch up to the guys at the top of my team, but it's still all in good fun. and for a good cause.

Spent time with lots of people. It was really good to see Dave. I missed that goofy bastard. Hopefully we'll be able to play some starcraft over the net or get together before next Xmas. Roadtrip anyone?

Alas, the shitty part of break - my wisdom teeth.
They started bothering me, and I held off a couple days on saying anything. Now I'm in some decent pain all the time. No big deal. I went to the DMD to see whatup, and he agrees they definitely need to go - but get this - he can't have me in to get them out until the 21st. Hopefully whatever's going wrong in there doesn't get any worse. He knows best though, he is the Doc, I'm just the family AD (Almost Doctor). So I missed a couple days of classes, and now I'm going to have to come back again. Oh well. It'll give me an excuse to stop over and visit people O:-)

Stay tuned for more whacky updates from your favorite lunatic! :)

User Journal

Journal Journal: MORE PAIN !!!!

Ah, the torture continues! Today was chest. Ben decided to work my left arm until it snapped. I'm glad he did. When it recovers, I should be good to go, finally. I feel like such a weak piece of shit! Tomorrow is back. Bring the PAIN!!!

Three more days. I'm really looking forward to going home. I don't know why, but maybe I'll see people. Just maybe. Here's hoping.

User Journal

Journal Journal: I just don't understand

I just don't understand, and I don't think I ever will. I try to live my life under some sort of logical premise, now that I've finally got it under control, after 21 years.

People never cease to amaze, shock and disappoint me. Usually I find all of the above in one moment in time so I try not to become too cynical. Maybe this is one of those moments, swept away in regret, worry and disappointment.

In fact, I'm pretty sure it is, so I'm just going to let it pass without even writing about it, though I have this infinite well of indellible ink right now.

I will say this, I'm not melancholy regarding the obvious. I take that with me where and whenever I am. I can't derive hurt from that. I can only derive hope. I am just confused, not of myself, but of others, and why they do what they do to themselves and others.

Perhaps I'm in the wrong line of work. Maybe designing little circuits on little chips isn't what I'm here for. I love doing it though, and I'm decent at it, and can get better.

But people are lacking right now in my life, and I honestly don't know how to fix it. But please don't worry about me. I know some of you will. I'll be fine. I just need to find the path I have somehow managed to lose in the past few weeks.

I love you all.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Update of doom :-P

I went to the gym today. My legs hurt in places that I didn't know I had muscles. And I LOVE IT!!! I'm going back tomorrow at two for some more pain with Ben. Yay gym.

I went to go visit the Glitterbunny over the weekend. She's such a pain in my ass :-P Then again, I think the feeling is mutual. :-P We did presents and had chinese and talked about how NY is boring as sin. Except for those cool places where it's not boring as sin. Rockin my box....

I just up and left C programming tonight. I couldn't deal. The professor gives us a two-page hand out with pseudo-code and exmaples. and reads it verbatim. slowly and meticulously(sp?). m=3, n=7, k=m+n; blah blah blah blah and or less 4,7,3, blah, moo, I masturbate with baby oil... Whatever. I couldn't take it anymore. He said "ten minute break" and I bolted. Went to Weggy's, got dinner, came home, and sat around for a bit.

Finished up my DoE Lab tonight, it's due tomorrow morning at 8:00am. That's gonna be fun.

I decided to park far away and walk my borked legs all over creation to get the lactic acid out of them. Hurt like a motherfucker, but it was worth it.

The End.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Today's Rant, sponsored by Mother Nature

Fucking snow. I love it. I hate driving in it. I hate shovelling it. I hate slipping on my ass and messing up my back due to it. But I still love it.

Snow days. I love them. Period. End of sentence. Only had two in the five years I've been here. It had been ten years since there was one before that.

What's with these fucking PUSSY ASS schools that cancel class when there's half an inch? You're pathetic. You certainly can't function if someone throws a naturally occuring crystalline form of the most common molecule on earth at you. Shit. You might as well all go kill yourselves now. Do us a favor, and take as many of your co-workers and classmates with you as possible. Thanks!

User Journal

Journal Journal: Life

Good luck to everyone with shitty finals and yucky projects these next few weeks. You'll all pull thru, and kick some ass.

I ran into the first girl I ever fell in love with while I was on vacation. She's engaged to be married. Weirdness. It put a lot of things into perspective. If you're wondering what sort of things, IM me, it might have to do with you.

Turkey Day was bad ass. Holy stuffing of doom. Yay for beets. Yes, beets. My sister made killer cookies at my suggestion. I'm good for something, see? :-P

Wrecked my back while sleeping on the floor, and it's still messed up, but it's a pulled side muscle now, from moving too fast and slipping on the snow while carrying the computer. Duh me.

I am having the hardest time getting back into things here. Probably because it's getting to be frozen Rochester hell, and I get depressed. I need to get a coat and a hat and a scarf, so my face and ass won't freeze. Yay Gloves.

I decided that the annual "what the fuck where you thinking" purchase is completely inappropriate, and will not take place until at least next year. Yes, so it's no longer annual. Besides, Hammer will be out and way cheap by then.

Ow, side hurts.
I'm gonna go wrap up in my new fleece blankey :-) want to join me?

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