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Journal mwarps's Journal: Holy Thorax Thursday

I'm out of Electronics I and ASL. Next quarter, and some time down the line I'll get back into them.

Took my exams in programming and in DoE, and things are looking decent. Hopefully I'll be able to pull off an A in programming and a B in DoE. We'll see.
Missing two weeks out of a ten week quarter sucks ass.

I'm accumulating quite a stash of Kyle's hardware. He needs to pay me for it. Now.

Tonight is Sauce Night. I'll be slaving in the kitchen for a few hours. Yay. But it'll pay off, I hope. Mmm Sauce. I wonder how the garlic bread will be 0:-)

Must get food. Must Moo.


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Holy Thorax Thursday

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The earth is like a tiny grain of sand, only much, much heavier.
