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Journal mwarps's Journal: Poor Poor Journal!

I have neglected you so!

Break's updates:

I got my Tbred-A 1800/1533 up to 2005. Yes. 30%.
The cooling is an issue. Once it rises above 29C, it's done. I need to get some higher CFM fans on the radiator, I think. Or it's Peltier time!

I just got a new car. 1999 Dodge Caravan. 69K miles (high, but all highway) Color blue. Power everything, even nutsack. Dual slidey doors. I am in love with this van. It's hot. Well, not quite _that_ hot, but still pretty sexy. D34DC0W is my plate.

I'll be bringing back a nice fast chip for my secondary system. Another Tbred-A 1800/1533. I'll probably only get this beast up to 150/12.5 for 1875 MHz on Alpha PAL8045 and Tornado cooling. But guess what, it's still SHIT fast, and folds like the wind. My folding farm is coming along nicely. I expect around ten WU a day just from school. Plus my borged machines at home should give me another ten. 20 WU a day is FAT. :)
Okay, so I'll never catch up to the guys at the top of my team, but it's still all in good fun. and for a good cause.

Spent time with lots of people. It was really good to see Dave. I missed that goofy bastard. Hopefully we'll be able to play some starcraft over the net or get together before next Xmas. Roadtrip anyone?

Alas, the shitty part of break - my wisdom teeth.
They started bothering me, and I held off a couple days on saying anything. Now I'm in some decent pain all the time. No big deal. I went to the DMD to see whatup, and he agrees they definitely need to go - but get this - he can't have me in to get them out until the 21st. Hopefully whatever's going wrong in there doesn't get any worse. He knows best though, he is the Doc, I'm just the family AD (Almost Doctor). So I missed a couple days of classes, and now I'm going to have to come back again. Oh well. It'll give me an excuse to stop over and visit people O:-)

Stay tuned for more whacky updates from your favorite lunatic! :)

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Poor Poor Journal!

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It's time to boot, do your boot ROMs know where your disk controllers are?
