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Comment Re: A lot of focus on AI... (Score 1) 61

Oh right I haven't used that one.

Here's what I love about Swype:

QWERTY Keyboard with small symbols next to each letter. Swipe from key to the "symbol" button to insert a symbol. This is great for punctuation.

Swiping from the swype button to c, v, or x does copy, paste, cut.

Swiping up high after a letter capitalises that letter.

When you type in an unrecognized word, you have the option to add it to the dictionary (it's not automatic), and likewise you can remove ones you don't want.

Overall it's really smooth.

Comment Re:chinese have long memories (Score 1) 195

That's simply not true. The official position of the Taiwanese government is that it is the government of all of China, including the entire mainland.

They both claim each other in official documents. In practice, there is literally nothing in the posture of Taiwan in which they would even vaguely attempt it, unlike the other way around.

Within Taiwan, there is a political movement to reunify with the mainland, merging the two governments under the PRC system.

In any country of a nontrivial size there will be a political movement for almost anything. In practice about 7% of people want unification. So sure it's a "political movement" but not a very popular one. Oddly enough people living in democracies don't often want to voluntarily be ruled by a repressive, genocidal dictator.

Comment Who is fooling who (Score 5, Insightful) 156

Apple wants to literally flatten creativity and violently crush the creative tools of yesterday in favor of a multi-hundred dollar piece of luxury technology

You know what luxury is? Let me tell you its having a bunch of expensive musical instruments, artistic tools AND the space to store and use them. Sure an IPad is a luxury item in that you can live without one, but in real terms of having the ability to create in the spaces apple is alluding to, like music and visual arts, a iPad is a much more available to a lot more people than the traditional methods.

Dude is a snob, only people like me with a collection of fancy kit in large padded cased with names like Yamaha printed on them should be allowed to make stuff. The rest of you plebs are supposed to be just consuming!

Comment Re:chinese have long memories (Score 2) 195

Except the ROC was a legitimate government of all of China before Mao's PRC took over in an illegal coup.

Its actually the PRC that has no right to exist. It is probably the greatest moral failure post war diplomacy that it was ever recognized.

It would be more like if the Texas militia took over the continental US and current government in Washington fled to the Virgin Islands. Then you wanted to claim the United States of Texas was legit.

Comment Re:chinese have long memories (Score 1) 195

The problem is the policy toward China is all over the place.

Exporting or wealth by creating a trade imbalance intentionally - refusing to sell them stuff; while buying their stuff as fast as it can be shoved into shipping containers is not a good strategy.

I believe the China is evil; but step 0; is actually not stop selling them stuff its to stop buying their stuff.

Comment Re:In 12 months? (Score 2) 61

No one has difficulty reading, they are engaging in an activity known as "taking the piss" where in this case they are intentionally taking a minor misreading in order to poke fun.

We all know he's bugging up the future product, while overselling the current one. The posters here are mocking him for that.

Comment Re: A lot of focus on AI... (Score 1) 61

Another thing is quietly using AI: Swipe-to-Type.

I have the paid for Swype app still, from well over a decade ago and long discontinued. It's not really a heavy user of AI. On the other hand, it's a shame as it was discontinued ages ago and bugs/Android differences are eroding it's usefulness.

gboard has finally caught up with the basic swiping matching words, but is still a poor shadow of the OG app.

I do wish they'd just outright steal the UI from swype.

Comment Re:hard to believe (Score 2) 122

Unless management is pushing, 'faster, better' policies on the workforce it is hard to believe that someone would claim to have performed a check without having done it.

Really? Hard to imagine?

Hmm lets see I could spend 20min crawling around inspecting this thing, the last 5 I have looked at having been just fine or I can just check this box, and play with my phone some more...

Really when it comes to stuff like this the only way is either legalistic consequences for getting caught. You signed this without inspection, no discussion, no exit interview, security will escort you from the building now.

Otherwise you have to be doing multiple inspections where the inspector is not told if they are in fact doing the first or second inspection, and discrepancy triggers a third inspection with again some sort of punitive action taken against individuals with to many errors and omissions on their inspections. Its not cheap but failure is really unacceptable this is what you do.

Comment Re:This is a common trick mega corps use (Score 0, Flamebait) 122

Support of unions is just brain damage on display. You got rlsiverdope here screaming about anti-trust and collusion in every odd post, while every even post is how we don't have enough collusion in the labor market...

Funny how the quality problems with 787s started cropping up in the years just after the SC plant unionized too.

Comment Re:iPad still rockin' the 4:3 ratio like it's 1990 (Score 1) 80

16:9 sucks[...etc...]

Sure, I guess, except sometime around about 14 years ago I forgot to care anymore.

16:9 sucks for music page

Wait what?

If it's aggressively columnar, I have two columns, otherwise, you know the stave can take up the whole width. I mean, I generally use my 16:9 ancient laptop for music related activities.

16:9 sucks for photo edit,

Gives room at the side for all the tools...

anyway I got used to it. I can hold a torch for only so many old nerd flamewars, and monitor aspect ratio ain't one.

Comment Re:Is China covered by the US constitution? (Score 1) 165

generally the constitution applies to anyone (or entity) in the country, not just citizens

If the US government can detain people without trial and torture them (gitmo), then clearly that doesn't hold. Though this may be the case that people get far fewer protections than companies.

Anyhooo there seems to be the modern meme that literally anything is speech so the first amendment makes it more or less impossible to pass any laws on anything. Hyperbole... but only a bit.

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