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Comment Sounds like Poloroid Vs. Kodak (Score 1) 228

Poloroid locked up all the patents for instant film. Kodak tried to break their patents, and lost. Honeywell has a competing systems, though not exactly the same. They still own the patents on the systems in question. This is not a public standard. Fair and reasonable licensing do not apply. Like it or not Nest is dead. The story itself is flamebait.

Comment Re:Curious (Score 2) 445

You've missed the real problem. None of those scale. As complexity increases each of those techniques reaches a point where they fail, badly.

Yes, I do understand. People who have graduated college with a computer science (or above) degree know what Dijkstra's algorithm does. The people in the real world who understand its applications are applying it and not being fake-fuck blowhards. Agile. Extreme (pair) programmming. HAW. Silly fuckers.

Comment Re:Why the Apple reference? (Score 1) 99

uh, vodaphone basically controls/owns verizon, and how big do you suppose they are in europe?

hint: huge.

So it's a question of market and inevitability of when it will happen, actually. And as noted, Sweden's been ahead of the game for a while, and I'd presume Japan too.

someone please moderate this as a troll. I've used my mod points. He is clueless.

Submission + - my bank is run by a bunch of idiots

chromaexcursion writes: "I can't use firefox or chrome to access this credit union's website. Each rejects it as a security risk.
I've sent several emails to the credit union, all ignored. I'm hoping a severe public outing will get a few idiots fired.
A good credit union (in the USA) is a good thing. Management that uses sites that have invalid SSL certs is abysmal.
How many other slashdot users have been faced with such profound idiocy?"


Patriot Act Extension By Autopen Raises Questions for Congressman 247

Okian Warrior writes "Congress passed the [Patriot act extension] bill Thursday night, shortly before certain provisions of the Patriot Act were set to expire. However, Mr. Obama could not sign the bill right away in person, since he was in Europe for the G8 Summit. In order to sign the bill before the measures expired, he authorized the use of the autopen machine, which holds a pen and signs his actual signature. Republican Rep. Tom Graves of Georgia sent President Obama a letter today questioning the constitutionality."

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