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Comment so realizing this (Score 1) 105

If I now realize that I'm a marshmellow eater, can I start recognizing that behavior and correct it. Thereby becoming more successful and have a happier life?

I had one child who went into the Montessori school and one of the things that they do, is not let you go onto the next activity until you've mastered the current one. These activities are all in very incremental steps and by the time he entered kindergarden he was able to add subtract, read and write, and had a basic understanding of multiplication. He is the brightest of my children and I wish that the other two had the same experience.

The point is that part of the Montessori method, is delayed gratification, you can't try the net neat thing until you've mastered this one.

Comment Re:ORLY? (Score 3, Insightful) 543

I've found that RMS often says things that make me step back and reconsider. For example cloud computing. I always get caught up in the buzzwords, but RMS pointed out that it actually gives people less control.

RMS is all about giving control to the user of the software. His whole philosophy is based upon being free to modify/repair/change any software that you are using, whether in a computer or printer or whatever. The fact that you've bought the software, means (in his mind) that you should have the right to change it. If you've bought a printer that has a bug in it's firmware you should be able to change it.

Companies don't like this idea because they will
1. have more expenses when a fix actually breaks something.
2. their propitiatory software is secret.
3. if you knew how simple the code was you would be upset at the price you paid.
4. competitors will use their code/ideas.
5. whatever

Companies are not consumer oriented. They are profit oriented. RMS is consumer oriented. He sounds eccentric when he talks because people have been brainwashed into thinking along the corporate lines.

If you view what he says from a consumer point of view he sounds very sane. Rather like Ralph Nader seemed eccentric when he went after the pinto.

Comment Re:Postal addresses identify houses!I (Score 1) 222

I agree with LordLimecat. An ip address identifies a computer which may or may not belong to the person using it. I don't see how you can say that an IP address is identifiable infomation. It's information that has a higher likelyhood of being true, but not absolutely. (Which for legal matters would be important).

The Internet

Canadian Regulator Says No To New Internet Regs 76

An anonymous reader writes "After months of fears that the Canadian broadcast regulator would try to regulate the Internet, the CRTC has come to its senses. Its new media decision today takes a hands off approach — no new regulation — and even adopts a rule against undue preferences for wireless providers."

Comment kdevelop is great (Score 3, Interesting) 59

Last week when everyone was talking about their favorite ide's I kept thinking that kdevelop should have this or has that.

It's the one IDE that I've used for Linux development (besides vi) that I've used for years. I'm looking forward to the new class browser.


Submission + - World's First Battery Fueled by Air 3

Hugh Pickens writes: "The Telegraph reports on the revolutionary 'STAIR' (St Andrews Air) battery could now pave the way for a new generation of electric cars, laptops and mobile phones. The cells are charged in a traditional way but as power is used an open mesh section of battery draws in oxygen from the surrounding air that reacts with a porous carbon component inside the battery, which creates more energy and helps to continually 'charge' the cell as it is being discharged. The battery has a greater storage capacity than other similar-sized cells and can emit power up to 10 times longer. "The key is to use oxygen in the air as a re-agent, rather than carry the necessary chemicals around inside the battery," says Professor Peter Bruce of the Chemistry Department at the University of St Andrews. "Our target is to get a five to ten fold increase in storage capacity, which is beyond the horizon of current lithium batteries.""
Linux Business

Submission + - Is it safe to program .NET for Linux?

iplayfast writes: "I program for a number of operating systems and usually end up using C++. However as C++ is getting more and more knarly (IMHO) I'm thinking of going to C# which is similar to C++ without the knarlyness.

My worry is that given Microsoft's tendency to sue or back law suits against anything Linuxy If I develop an app for Linux using .NET will I have to re-write it 10 years down the road due to legal issues. Is it safe?"

Comment Re:Congratulations to RMS... (Score 1) 715

If you consider source code in which on a typical distro is made up of the work from 100's of thousands of programmers/designers/artists/documenters etc. And you use these distros on the faith that they are well put together. This to me is trust.

If you consider that the reason this came to be is due to RMS's ideals, which enforce those ideals, I have no problems at all.

BTW, why are you smelling 15 year old girls?

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