I really hope that people won't give in without at least expressing their anger to Comcast by finding another ISP if available, when they implement tiered pricing. I hope Comcast users push back like us TW users did.
One of the MAIN reasons these ISP's are introducing tiered pricing is simply to avoid the costs of upgrading their infrastructure. Instead of modernizing their networks and equipment to handle today's higher demand for more and more bandwidth, they simply implement overage fees and/or tiered pricing to keep people's usage within the confines of what their infrastructure can handle. It really is a scam on so many different levels. This is why the US is so far behind in broadband when looking at other country's broadband statistics.
Money hungry as ever, the largest ISP's over here just don't see the need to provide a higher level of service to home users when it means investing hundreds of $Millions, possibly more, to do it.
In addition to that, you have places like Rochester, NY where no competition can EVER break into the market because 1 or 2 ISP's have monopolized the space for new fiber and/or copper runs, effectively creating a stagnant market where users have no choices for service (ISP's such as EarthLink give the ILLUSION of choice, but really only lease space on another larger ISP's lines, such as Time Warner).
...the school decided that such behavior was unacceptable...
which tells me that they decided this on the spot. And if there actually IS a rule listed that says they can't curse on the internet, that school is fucked and it's better he is going somewhere else anyway. I made an entire website against my school when I was a young'n and all I got was a couple days of suspension before they eventually APOLOGIZED for suspending me and expunged it from my record. They even sent a tutor to my house while I was on suspension so I didn't fall behind. Schools nowadays are WAY too PC. If you try to sanitize kids artificially like this, you will end up with cookie cutter, boring kids entering college who aren't prepared for the real world.
Also, if this DID take place on the schools network, then the network administrator for that school should be fired, since anybody knows you block social networking along with many other things in work and school environments, especially on school-owned computers. It's enterprise network management 101.
...when he found out he was expelled was probably "Fuck" so all the school is doing is encouraging his profanity.
Seriously though, this is happening more and more across the country. I don't understand how the school gets off thinking it is their job or right to police what kids say outside of school or what they do with their accounts or anything on the internet if they are not specifically mentioning the school. At the very most, he should have had the school issued laptop taken away. That's it. Sure if they are attacking a staff member directly they can go from there, but trying to stop anyone from cursing ridiculous at least, and most likely a constitutional violation.
But the point is this isn't only for flying. They are expanding to railways, bus terminals, subways, and highways. Slowly but surely we will have our rights violated even if we are driving in our own personal vehicles. If you don't take a stand somewhere, then it will really turn out like 1984. Also, it is all security theater. Especially now that you can buy your way out of the checks. For $100, you can have a background check and bypass the checks? Who is to say one of those people can't be blackmailed or paid to do something that would endanger the lives of all the people on board? The simple act of bringing 1 part to a chemical substance needed to make an explosive on board would be all a terrorist would need. All they need to do is kidnap someone's daughter/wife/husband/etc and you have the perfect inside plant on any flight you want. The TSA is officially a joke. Yet at the same time they pose a threat to your privacy.
The public has spoken, and they're clearly in favor of bailouts, TSA, and wars, on both the Democrat and Republican sides.
There are plenty in the public who do not support these things. The fact is only a tiny fraction of the population actually votes. And this has more to do with votes not really counting for anything more than who the candidates are or what they support. Until they get rid of the electoral college and you get 1 vote for 1 person, and make it easier for people to vote either by having a national holiday on election day or online voting, our "democratic" system is really just smoke and mirrors with 2 parties that support the same political policies. The only differences they have now are philosophical and religious, with the Republicans being on the more crazy, anti-progress side of things, and the Democrats being in the center not willing to more forward. The "party of backwards", and the "party of stationary", respectively.
Despite everyone's initial glee over Obama, there are few democrats that will defend him breaking his promise to close Gitmo, nor do they support the TSA (though they will support him in the coming election because...honestly...have you seen these republican candidates? Even Ron Paul is pretty crazy and he is the most sane out of all of them, which is saying a lot). I have many, many conversations, with a wide variety of people, and only the most hardcore Republicans support the TSA and GitMo anymore, and even then whenever they fly they bitch about TSA. So it is kind of bullshit anyway, they just regurgitate the same FOX News Republican talking points as the current array of idiots up for the Republican nomination. They don't actually know what they are talking about, and are usually voting against their own personal interests.
In actuality, the outcry over the TSA especially has been huge, it's just that there is nothing for anyone to do about it. The most anyone can do is boycott flying and just stop taking airplanes to travel. But for some this is just not a possibility. They are a 3 letter government agency put in place and kept in place across both political parties since almost the turn of the century. Americans are lazy. Our political process has become one that encourages laziness because for someone to make ANY kind of difference, even to get people talking about a topic, it requires way more effort than just showing up on election day or taking part in a protest. Occupy Wallstreet barely accomplished getting the nation talking about the wealth inequality, and we basically had to sacrifice our right to public assembly and protest to get that to happen, since most of OWS has been broken up or arrested now under orders from state or local government officials (both republican AND democrats).
Saying the "public has spoken" and that they are FOR the things you mentioned is not accurate. It would be better to say "The public has spoken, but nobody is listening, so they've all but given up". There is a huge difference between support, and being voiceless. Unless there are changes in the way our political system works and the way the citizens are able to interact with it, nothing will change and the trends we've seen with Gitmo and TSA are only the beginning.
Easy to fix. It's just like in Mass Effect 2: there would be a "safe zone" for where ships traveling at FTL speeds to come out of FTL safely. The zones would just have to be large enough to accommodate the largest of ships. The station where you would disembark and your family would be would be outside this zone.
Also, if you are a Star Trek person, you will remember the episode of TNG where the ship had to be evacuated at an orbital platform so that it could be "cleaned" as it built up particles along the hull from many light years of travel. So even fictional space ships still had these types of problems!
Whoever dies with the most toys wins.