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Comment Re:He Should Be Executed (Score 1) 284

"but it's another thing to execute a person without trial."

Osama was executed without trial.

What's your point? That we did it once so we should have no problem doing it again under different circumstances?

The US does not represent freedom in any form.

That's quite the hyperbole. Osama bin laden wasn't promised any freedom by the US: he wasn't a citizen. And anyway, there's quite a bit of room between "killing someone who admitted to attacking you" and "no freedom whatsoever.

Comment Re:I'm amazed..this is on slashdot. (Score 4, Insightful) 1737

To anyone who is upset that this story popped up despite not strictly relating to computers, three things:

One: why didn't you stop it?
Two: Slashdot's motto isn't "News for linux, news that linuxes." Other nerds have different interests in you. You should realize this by now.
Three: If you don't care, go back in your browser. You do not need to click on every link on slashdot! DO NOT CLICK ON THE ONES YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT!

Comment Re:So happy (Score 1) 365

If someone ever tells me that Climate Change exists with their Android device in hand, now I can call them a hypocrite.

I think you have a much stronger case for calling them a hypocrite based on whether they drive a car or don't donate money to some group fighting climate change, or contact their reps about capping carbon emissions, but you go ahead and channel your rage into whatever idiotic direction you want.

Comment Re:I. Am. Shocked. (Score 1) 211

Sink holes on the surface of the earth from pumping water out of the earth is a bit different from earthquakes being pumped INTO the earth.

Furthermore, science isn't about surprising us. That can happen, but it's primarily about testing hypotheses, increasing knowledge, and PROVING things. In this case, it's not shocking to anyone who is concerned about the people who live above the fracking area, but one does need proof to say "I don't care how much money you and your shareholders will get from this, you'll cause earthquakes, so you're not going to do it."

Well... at least that's slightly more likely than before.

Comment Re:University of Califonia? Oh, they'll love her. (Score 5, Insightful) 192

Except the beverly hillbillies got rich first then moved to Beverly Hills. In this case, UC is currently paying their president $600K and will probably pay her. Which is odd, because last I heard, the UC system was still cutting scholarships, teachers, and classes due to budget problems.

But I'm sure that money is well spent: I mean, if Napolitano can bring the same magic to the UC system that she did to DHS, then maybe the UC system will be safe from imagingary threats from Al Quaeda. And isn't that more important than students getting an education? We decided it was more important than the constitution, so yes, the answer is yes whether you like it or not.

/s. This is idiotic. Why is a taxpayer supported institution wasting money like she's a CEO?

Comment Re:how about (Score 1) 255

I'm not sure why it's an outrage. We got at lot of technological advances out of going to the moon. Nothing on the moon was going to directly pay back the investment, we knew that beforehand, but I think we got plenty of value out of it. Going back would be in many ways a waste compared to investing the money in the other things I mentioned, at least in my opinion.

And "poetic justice" is not a good reason to spend tax dollars or let private entities appropriate historical relics.

Comment Re:Almost not news (Score 1) 383

Why do they even bother crying "false allegations." Are their consumers out there who were awaiting the results of this trial to determine if they were going to buy an iphone or an android? Are stock brokers saying "SELL SELL SELL... wait... Oh, nevermind, apple says the court is wrong. We don't need to dump the stock."

Comment Re:how about (Score 1) 255

Fitting, but not one that I think any of us would want to happen. I'd rather tax dollars be spent more higher pursuits than racing to preserve a historic relic from some rich asshole. Just tell him he CAN'T steal it, arrest him if and when he does, and spend them money you saved on research into cancer, a space elevator, or something worthwhile.

Comment Re:Really?!? (Score 1) 1448

Bit of a straw-man argument there. No one is saying "Don't tolerate people who oppose gay marriage." They seem to be saying "This guy opposes gay marriage, if you approve of gay marriage, maybe you don't want to give him your money."

Ford and Disney, being dead, aren't really parallels. Chick-fil-a is a better parallel: the accusation there was that money you spent on chicken sandwiches was going to suppress gay rights, so you might not want to eat there.

Totally fine for the CEO of chick-fil-a to dislike, even hate gay people, totally legal for him to personally give money to lobbying groups to outlaw gay marriage. But I don't have to give my money to a homophobe, let alone give them money that is then going to be used against causes I'm for. It's not at all ad-homenim.

Comment Re:Ah yes, government control of health care (Score 1) 490

I can't remember the last time I heard health insurance companies promising to give people due process before they denied coverage for their claims. Plus I can vote for or against politicians. I suppose I could vote with my wallet against bad health insurance plans, but as that would realistically require changing jobs, I'm not too optimistic about that doing anything.

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