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Comment Re:LoJack for your iPhone? (Score 1) 424

A gun isn't the only thing that could kill you. Any blunt object can become a deadly weapon, or a knife, or bare hands. Not every neighborhood is bad where you might get shot, but almost every neighborhood is bad enough where you could get beaten or choked to death. Kid's party or no, crazier things have happened in the presence of children because the adults involved don't care.

It was stupid to go searching for an iPhone from a criminal (regardless how petty this one was). This is why I don't have MobileMe for my iPhone, I just have enough sense to keep my phone in my pocket (the front pants), and not let it out of sight just like my wallet and other personal possessions.


Submission + - Identity/ID Theft Trojan on Monster.com (informationweek.com) 2

Ant writes: "Broadband Reports report an InformationWeek story on security researchers' finds that the popular Monster.com job site was being widely used for identity (ID) theft. Hackers are placing fake advertisements/ads, on the site, that infect computers running Windows. The Trojan takes information that job seekers place online which includes social security numbers. The scam is one of the biggest of its kind and could affect over 100,000 identities..."

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