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Comment Re:GMO is not a problem (Score 1) 400

Most people you know find a false parable funny? You must hang with idiots. I suppose their is a little meta-humor in the people who think that simplistically.

Ad hominem. Best sign of lack of arguments.

Regarding reds, look at the third world nations in the worst state and getting worse. e.g. Venezuela and Zimbabwe.

Venezuela and Zimbabwe are Communist? And in what parallel universe are those the nations in the worst state? And what does one have to do with the other?

You do realize that Marx was completely wrong about the whole 'society evolving towards communism' thing? I still haven't heard a single accurate prediction from his theories. Despite repeated challenges to /. reds.

You're right. Our economic model is completely perfect and we should never ever do anything but sit on our asses and let it be. After all, the IMF keeps telling me that everything's gonna be alright. And when did the IMF ever fail a prediction?

Comment Re:GMO is not a problem (Score 0) 400

  1. GMO crops may have poorly understood unintended consequences. They cross-reproduce with other plants and spread their genes throughout the environment.
  2. They are proprietary, turning farmers into corporate patent slaves.
  3. They encourage monoculture, at the expense of biodiversity and food safety.
  4. They discourage a varied diet, to the expense of public health.
  5. This case, if it goes forward, will create a precedent and encourage the generalisation of GMO throughout the world, posing as a panacea to world hunger. This allows world leaders to continue ignoring the real problem, which is unfair distribution, not food scarcity.

Comment Re:GMO is not a problem (Score 0) 400

Jokes, true of false, are supposed to be funny.

Most people I know find it funny. Maybe you are the problem.

What's wrong with making a shitload of money? The people that built the space pen did well for themselves, NASA and the Ruskys.


Through most of history most people were starch eaters. Until capitalism lifted up the economy, Europe was full of peasants that ate nothing but starch.

Non-sequitur. But since we're at it, the Roman Empire was the cause of great economic, social and technical progress in Europe, Asia and Africa. It was so great we should have stuck to it forever! Why evolve to anything else? But don't worry, again thanks to Capitalism, a lot of Europeans are going back to starch eaters.

Throwing the Reds out of power in the third world would definitely be a better long term solution, but good luck with that.

WTF? What Reds are you talking about?

Comment Re:GMO is not a problem (Score 1) 400

Which, as it turns out, is completely false.

I know it's false. That's why I called it a joke.

If that's the best argument you can come up with for not using technology to improve people's lives, it's not good enough.

I'm all for technology improving people's lives. But many times, technology is overkill and used only because of corporate interests. There are simpler solutions, but then someone would not be making a shitload of money from them, so they're not used.

Comment Re:GMO is not a problem (Score 1, Insightful) 400

The real problem is this kind of complicated, expensive and dangerous "solution" when simply introducing other crops that naturally provide vitamin D would fix the issue.

Reminds me of that old joke about the US spending millions of dollars to develop a pen which can write in space, and the Soviet cosmonauts simply using a pencil.

Comment Re:I want one (Score 1) 94

The Tea Party? Arrests? Really? I read about them being spied on, but never heard of arrests. Why would your government want to piss off the billionaires behind the movement, the ones that basically rule the USA?

I got plenty of news about infiltrations and police brutality against OWS, however. Not in the mass media, of course. Here on the other side of the Atlantic, our media is as much as corrupt as yours. They pretended OWS never existed or, at most, was just a gang of anarchists doing vandalism.

Comment Re:Thanks Mr Schneier (Score 5, Insightful) 397

I couldn't care less if Assange or Snowden are nice guys. That's completely irrelevant for the matter if they're sweet little cherubs or like to fuck sheep on their spare time. Nobody does what they did by being that nice guy everybody wants to have a beer with.

The hateful crimes they exposed are the true stars, here. If you focus on the messenger, you miss the message. That's what the governments, corporations and their global propaganda machine (a.k.a. mass media) badly, badly, badly want you to do. Quite successfully.

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