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Comment Re:You mean... like in Second Life? (Score 1) 29

Isn't amazing how desperate companies are to raise their sells/profit margin/stock price? They are even willing to try anything even if it lacks any common sense. I guess they figure it's a little like spam, even if one person out of a thousand go for it, they must figure it's worth doing it. /s

Comment Re:Flash is costly? (Score 1) 37

Also, once you have saturated the IO bandwidth available, it doesn't make any difference if storage is backed by multiple HDDs or SSDs since storage isn't the bottleneck anymore. With enough drives, the storage isn't the bottleneck anymore, the link to the IO storage/IO controller become the bottleneck.

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I was playing poker the other night... with Tarot cards. I got a full house and 4 people died. -- Steven Wright
