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Comment Why was this marked flamebait? (Score 1) 165

Opportunists are clearly using COVID-19 as a war on the working class and people of color. That's who this disease is killing the most of. That's why you have Trump's guy Mr. Atlas promoting "Herd immunity" aka let everyone get infected and let the weak perish and why you have so many people using "but muh freedumb" as an excuse to fight government orders for masks and lockdowns. It's not at all about freedom - it's because everyone knows Coronavirus is killing the very people the Far Right has deemed undesirable.

This works quite well for the elite agenda. Because killing the working class and poor wipes out the demographic that votes the most for "socialist" programs like higher taxes and social safety nets.

Comment Re:Disease is part of life (Score 1) 165

We sure as fuck can control the spread of said diseases, aka WE CAN IN FACT CONTAIN IT and we have done so in the past. The wealthy people of the Dark Ages managed to contain and control it with quarantine, social distancing and lockdowns. They did that back during the Black fucking Death. We're 800 years in the future, why aren't we as smart as they are?

Don't give me that cowardly rot about not being able to contain it. We as a society need a God damned spine. Yes I am cursing, because guess what, me and mine stand to die NEEDLESSLY because of people who think like you. Your thinking is getting people killed. And by God I am not going to have any of that shit. Not I and not millions of the rest of us who want us and ours to survive this.

Comment Re:Trump's entire plan is "herd immunity". (Score 1) 302

"We" as in those of us who don't want to get infected and will resort to any means, legal or illegal, to avoid infection. Legal. Or. Illegal. Better a criminal than slowly dying alone intubated in a hospital, if it comes to that. The "it is going to happen anyway" crowd had better get to understand that quickly. We're the majority in this country.

Comment Trump's entire plan is "herd immunity". (Score 0) 302

AKA "get everyone infected" because this virus disproportionately hurts African Americans and the poor.

For those who don't believe me about Trump and his herd immunity agenda:

As for who coronavirus kills the most:

THAT is also why you see a lot of Trump supporters and COVID-19 deniers: they know they're far less likely to die of the virus than the people they have disdain for. The odd COVID denier death aside, statistically this is true.

COVID-19 has become an opportunistic platform for genocide.

Comment Re:Yay for Men's rights... and other possibilities (Score 1) 188

There is no such real thing as "Feminazi" - the radical feminists are more like Stalinists: fantasies of pogroms (see: Julie Bindel) against the "other" (men) and dissidents in their own ranks (such as women who decide to be homemakers). Really, they're like Conservatives, who are in turn just like them. See: Horseshoe Theory.

Some feminists welcome artificial wombs because it frees women from the expectation of childbirth.

Comment Yay for women's rights, too (Score 2) 188

Imagine future generations of womankind growing up in a world where women are no longer needed for making children except for their eggs. This is a first step toward that. And that's not the end of the world for women. It's more like the end of the beginning.

Look at how dishwashers and vacuum cleaners worked out - did women think that was the end of the world because so-called "women's work" was in part automated? Noep, noep, and absolutely noep, it freed women to do other things. Patriarchal boneheads at the time complained about women having more free time but in the end only the Tradcon fringe thinks "women's work" is a thing anymore.

The artificial womb will free women from the expectation of motherhood in order to perpetuate the species. markdavis's remark about women being able to build up their professional life without worrying about missing out on motherhood will be just the first symptom of this liberating technology. Perhaps we'll never be rid of the Tradcons, but technology like this will further enable women to not give a crap about what they think.

Comment Re:No (Score 1) 545

Those who do the basic workload for standard pay will be replaced by those who give everything they can for peanuts.

Those who give everything they can for peanuts will then be replaced by those who give everything they can for nothing, or next to nothing.

Then those will be replaced by automation.

Then what?

Has anyone here read this?

Comment Re:Rinse Lather Repeat. (Score 1) 1198

That's like telling Muslims that it's their responsibility for policing terrorists. Thinking like yours is what led to internment camps for Japanese and German American citizens.

Also: what proof do you even have that kick6's friends are raping or assaulting women?

When are you going to ask women to police their female friends about domestic violence? Study after study shows that women are equally as physically aggressive, or moreso, than the men in their relationships.

Want an even more authentic source? The CDC provides that.

You don't even want to know what the stats are for lesbian partner violence.

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