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Comment A mess? (Score 3, Interesting) 18

Mid-summer is still a few months from now, a few months during which Framework's laptops will continue to go without patches for at least a few in-the-wild security exploits. This timeline also comes from a company that has been extremely bad at meeting its own deadlines for firmware updates.

Sounds like they need more workers.

From what I read, it sounds like while being a small company that they have a lot on their plate because due to the opposition of open source by hardware component companies (they all have NDAs). With open source, you only have to invent the wheel once but with closed source, every company has to do it themselves.

Hardware component companies requiring NDAs to get any technical information on their product is a big problem.

Comment I did read it. (Score 2) 88

These studies have been carried out for batteries with various electrodes (NMC, LFP, and LCO) and battery formats (coin cell, pouch cell, and cylindrical cell) and show promising results, demonstrating the potential of PC charging for improving battery stability by a significant margin, ranging from 0.5% to 34%, as depicted in Figure 1.

Stability is different than the lifetime of the battery as the opening of the conclusion should have made it clear.

In this study, we show that pulse current charging can significantly enhance the cycling stability of commercial NMC532/graphite batteries and prolong their cycle life (from 500 cycles to >1000 cycles).

Now... which one of us didn't RTFM?

Comment Re:Woke = Religion (Score 1) 395

From observing the changes in real time. From witnessing the complaints and warnings in real time. If you reduce consequences you get more misbehavior, its how humans operate.

Personal bias often colors our perceptions which is why a scientific approach is needed in order to be credible.

.Again, the EPA plan is dependent upon state restrictions.

No, it's not. You're going to have to do better than merely claiming it is.

Look harder. Try something beyond the AP. I ran across it easily a few days ago.

Nah, it seems more likely that you just made shit up and to justify your claims.

Go double check for situations like NY, where a more conservative rural region is governed by a far more liberal state level government.

Nah dude, it's solid red states too. You're ignoring the fact that it's nationwide.

I've used a few faux DA, with connections to 60s/70s radical ideology, as examples.

So you lied to justify your bullshit? Wow, that's pathetic.

You have go look at major news agencies, you have to look a politically biased sites (both sides), etc.

Bullshit. I don't need someone to tell me how I should feel. Objective news is the only real news.

It would seem you do no longer have anything to offer aside from hot air. Good day.

Comment Re:Woke = Religion (Score 1) 395

2019 is where the current embracing of tolerance for criminal activity started. This is what drives the current increase in crime.

How do you know? What do you have to support this claim other than merely asserting that it's true? Crime is up nationally, not just NY.

It is, as I said, the administration expecting regulations and restrictions to be coming from the EPA and states.

The EPA isn't making any restrictions, if states chose to then it's to that state's own advantage but at no point are they required to participate.

Wrong, violent crimes are being downgraded about 12-15% more often with the radical DAs.

Where did you get that info? I looked and couldn't find it. Information without context is not useful for making an informed judgement. For example, current rates versus historical rates in those districts, what amount were part of plea bargains, and how each of these compare elsewhere.

How does that explain the increase of crime in rural areas?

In the NY case...

But what about rural areas in other states, especially Republican dominated states? You have focused exclusively on areas you believe to have bad policy while ignoring everywhere else. Information without context is not useful for making an informed judgement.

LOL. Willful ignorance it is then.

Do you have another source that reports objectively and verifies their information? The only other one I know of is Reuters.

Comment Re:Woke = Religion (Score 1) 395

Which is troublesome, it is using a baseline that is in the middle of a spike. You need to start at 2019 to get pre-spike data.

The graphs show back to 2000. Crime is up or down depending on the timescale you are measuring with.

California's upcoming quotas is literally part of the EPA plan, referenced in the EPA doc.

Yeah, it's the "Advanced Clean Truck" which gives states priority for charger deployment (which is only logical). It's not a requirement for states.

A sharp increase in downgrading felonies to misdemeanors will do what?

It depends on the crimes being downgraded. You have presumed too much without enough supporting data.

I'm not talking about bail reform exclusively, there is an entirely new system of avoiding prosecution that arose around 2020. Bail reform is part of that. DA's abusing their discretion is another part. Its not just CA, it NY too, its radical DAs in various cities.

How does that explain the increase of crime in rural areas?

Seriously, if non of this sounds familiar you need additional sources of news.

I don't think so because AP News reports objectively and verifies their information.

Comment Good! (Score 2, Informative) 22

The United Launch Alliance has never tried to advance rocketry, just continually profit from launching the same old shitty rockets. The only reason this rocket is because modern rocketry has left the ULA in the dust. I still recall the ULA calling reusable rockets a pipe-dream and as the first successful landing became ever-closer then they suddenly put out a CGI video of their "plan" to make a reusable rocket as if they had always been working on it.

The ULA is nothing more than a money pit.

Comment Re:Sounds Like A Load Of Hogwash (Score 1) 22

To get folks to give them money. I predict epic fail and cash absconded.

You clearly didn't bother to RTFA because two people have received the implant.

Dr. David Lacomis, chief of UPMC's Neuromuscular Division, said his team is still participating in the preliminary human testing “and the study is going well.”

"Subjects continue to be monitored for safety and an extensive amount of data are being collected as the brain implant is being used," he said. "A much larger pivotal trial is in the planning stages."

The Department of Neurosurgery in the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at the University at Buffalo has two patients in the small trial.

Comment NOOOOOoooo! (Score 4, Funny) 149

If this keeps up then how are my fellow nerds and I going to smugly declare we "only use Linux" with an air of superiority? I know we spoke about how great Linux is, all the freedom it provides but you're not actually supposed to take that seriously!

Look, just go back to Windows and be abus^W treated like a welcome customer and you won't have to deal with uhh... compiling the Linux kernel. Yes, that's a thing you must do all the time and it's really hard and takes hours. Please, don't take our superiority away from us!

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