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Comment Re:We have the same... (Score 1) 689

You're looking at it totally wrong. Tourists, although sometimes annoying, contribute hugely to the economy. They stay in hotels, rent cars, buy meals and souvenirs, and so forth. Everything they buy is taxed, often at much higher rates than non-touristy items.

It's like a giant nozzle spraying foreign money into the local economy. Most tourist destinations have a bureau that spends money advertising in foreign publications because the return on investment is so massive.

Comment Re:Engineering (Score 1) 200

Yes, when you're flying. These planes are not flying because they keep catching on fire.

If they want to save weight on a fleet of planes that are grounded because they aren't safe, it would save a lot more weight to use styrofoam instead of metal and silly string instead of wires. I bet they could save a lot more than 80kg!

Comment Re:Do you do work in ports? No I didn't think so. (Score 1) 597

From the top result of that search:

Existing radiation portal monitors, as well as new advanced spectroscopic portal machines, cannot reliably detect weapons-grade uranium hidden inside shipping containers. They also set off far too many false alarms.

I'd say having faith in finding a bomb is misguided.

Comment Re:Chicken Littles (Score 1) 586

The US horse population has varied somewhat over the years, but there are currently 6.9m. That is far from a dwindling to nothing. To give a sense of proportion, in 1867 there were 8m equines, looks like a peak of 21m in 1915. There was never any widespread killing of horses, and most horses are not allowed to breed anyway, whether populations are rising or falling. You can find some excellent references here There is a thriving wild horse population, and the domesticated ones are split between work, show, and leisure animals. The vast majority of them have happy lives. There are still literally millions of horses doing farm work, a hundred years after tractors became common.

I'm pretty sure your dystopian view of the future is also wrong. I think humanity will always need to guard against abuse of power, but the trend over our history is towards more freedom and a better life.

People forget how much things have changed. A hundred years ago nearly everyone worked on a farm. Now all those people lost their jobs but somehow found something else to do.

Comment Re:Anything that screws monsanto (Score 1) 391

Natural genetics is fascinating. There is a lot of crazy gene swapping going on all the time in plants, animals, bacteria, viruses. You'll find all kinds of stuff from all over the place in any DNA. Human DNA is full of bits of bacterial, viral, and plant related genes. All DNA, plant included, has bits from all over the place.

There is something called lateral gene transfer that happens all the time in all organisms. This is a large part of how antibiotic resistant bacteria evolve. All of the antibiotics we use are based on naturally occurring chemicals that are used by various organisms engaged in a constant state of chemical warfare.

Monsanto does a lot of bad things, but natural genes are not some static pristine thing. Natural genes are furiously changing all the time with numerous mechanisms. There has always been fish and grasshopper DNA in plants, there isn't really such a thing as a pure plant.

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