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Comment Re:Ok.... (Score 3, Insightful) 136

Oh, that's all, is it.

Yep, you're right 1 hour max /s.

Browsers are the most insecure attack surface of any aspect of modern computers. Apple's s/w is built using standard engineering decision-making - can we rely on X being there ? Why yes we can, so we can delegate this function to that system framework which we've tested is all secure.

Except that all breaks down when someone installs a 3rd party browser. Now the security model of the system depends on the security model of the installed browser, and that's just not acceptable. It may be the user's fault that they installed but you can guarantee that Apple will be holding the can at the end of any argument over why their nudes are now all over the internet.

Comment Re:It's a trap! (Score 1) 9

I have been using GCP/BQ heavily for 7+ years now and we're GCP native at my current company for nearly 5 years.

Google's penchant for deprecating products is a constant worry for me, particularly our insane reliance on BQ. While BQ StandardSQL is close enough, lifting and shifting to something like AWS or Azure's cloud warehouse tooling would definitely be a headache.

That said, with their deep integration w/GA4 reporting and continued development of BQ, I am guessing they make enough money (particularly after their 25% price increase for on-demand) that it'll stay around for another few years.

Fingers crossed because, honestly, I don't want to have to deal with management of our warehouse and BQ makes it easy for us not to worry about that at all.

Comment Re:Amazing (Score 1) 91

The official app only allows you to block 1000 accounts. On a site with millions of users. They don't tell you clearly that's the reason; the app just gives an arbitrary error message in 99% of cases.

That's shitty design and operation intended to stop you from blocking all of their advertisers.

Comment Re:Pretty Dissapointing (Score 1) 17

Well, Adobe is trying to purchase Figma but is running into regulatory concerns. Their entire reason for making this free to students is to hopefully drown out the negative attention from it being .

That said, Figma is not intended to be an Adobe replacement. Adobe is attempting to buy it to bring it into the fold so that they have a more robust collaborative UI design toolkit.

Comment Re:What about "No" (Score 5, Insightful) 144

They're called taxes and infrastructure subsidies. The problem here, oversimplified, are twofold:

1. We already paid "Big Telco" billions for infrastructure and they pissed it away.

2. We allow all companies to not pay their fair share and thus the revenues are down.

Governing and taxation are broken.

Comment Re:Tumblr (Score 0) 308

The only way to get me back (and I assume many others):

1. Spez is immediately removed and gets no $ on IPO for breaking just about every ethical rule in the book. He is a piece of shit human not only for this but many other issues over the years.

2. API access is restored and is reasonably priced. They don't get to determine that price; the market does and the market has spoken.

Comment Re:Will they support UTM? (Score 1) 53

Windows 11 for ARM runs on my M2 Air w/o issue under UTM as of about a month ago. I could even play some Steam games under it, albeit a bit more slowly than I would prefer, but working regardless.

It's been just fine for doing the minimal things I want to test in Windows w/o moving to the gaming machine.

Comment Re:The users of fossil fuels release the carbon (Score 1) 158

Nice try, but they already do. Electricity companies have to buy electricity on the open market if their own power sources don't produce enough to satisfy the demands of their customers. They don't just pull free spare electricity out of the thin air in which the CO2 gets dumped.

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