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Comment Re:YAY for BSD (Score 4, Insightful) 128

And there you go with the problem with it. OpenBSD has no holes in the install...

Regardless of how you use an operating system, if the OS foundation is not secure, then anything you put on top of it cannot be secure.

At least OpenBSD provides the secure foundation upon which you can build what you'd like. The security of what you build on top of OpenBSD is your responsibility.

Comment Rights are not absolute.. (Score 3, Insightful) 143

The Freedom of the Press is not an absolute right. If it were absolute, then a reporter could break into my house anytime he wanted in order to get a news story.

Only when this case makes it to the Supreme Court will we know whether drone usage in these types of cases are legal. Until then, there will be lots of discussion.

Comment Re:If I wanted a Chrome interface, I'd use Chrome (Score 3, Insightful) 688

... I hate UI designers. They break everything they touch.

UI designers are constantly trying to stay relevant. That is why they are continually changing the UI. They say the new version is better. They *always* say the new version is better. But a UI designer does not understand the very real difference between "different" and "better". To a UI designer, "different" is better, by definition. That is why they are always changing UIs, usually for the worse.

Comment Does the E.U. do it better? (Score 1) 248

Historic E.U. Net Neutrality Win Shows Maturing Digital Rights Advocacy

After a 5-year long campaign by European and U.S. digital rights NGOs, today the European Parliament turned a dubious Commission proposal on its head to safeguard the principle of net neutrality. It’s a historic win, and all over the news. It also shows how digital rights advocacy is maturing.

Comment It's all about timeframes... (Score 3, Informative) 226

Operations people work in a timeframe of minutes to days

Developers work in a timeframe of weeks to months

Researchers work in a timeframe of years to decades

When you take a developer, who thinks in terms of months, and task that person to think in terms of minutes and hours, you are wasting a resource.

When you make someone respond to an overly wide range of timeframe-based events, the short term events always crowd out the longer term events.

Have you ever noticed that companies locate their research divisions away from the day-to-day operations divisions? It is to keep the timeframes separate.

Comment Classify 'em as Common Carriers under Title II (Score 5, Insightful) 466

Cogent: Reclassify ISPs As Common Carriers Under Title II

In a bit of a clever public relations dance, Cogent has issued a press release stating that while the company refuses to pay companies like AT&T, Verizon and Comcast new peering tolls, they will pay the costs incurred by those companies to ensure there's adequate capacity at interconnection points. Cogent has been at the heart of more than a few debates over settlement-free peering, usually when the levels of traffic exchanged aren't equal. ...

Comment Re:Lemme posit this... (Score 1) 100

You raise a valid point.

Yes, the "saturation" aspect of commercial buys is also an issue.

A local radio station, 107.1 The Peak suffers from this very malady.

For some reason, they think it is good to play the same commercial once an hour, every hour, 24/7, for weeks at a time.

It numbs the mind.

Yes, you raise a valid point. Thanks.

Comment Lemme posit this... (Score 5, Interesting) 100

If the car commercials I have to suffer through on my TV were half as good as this "amateur" commercial, would I fast-forward my TiVo to skip the commercials?

My answer: no.

This is an enjoyable commercial.

Question: why cannot the "professional" commercial makers do this sort of thing? Why are current car commercials always screaming at me?

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