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Comment Re:Petulance (Score 2) 47

As this would amout to cutting people off from their ability to make phone calls, and the people aren't at fault in this case, this will not happen. And no, leaving emergency numbers available is not sufficient, because people might have to call their relatives, their lawyers, their physicians or other. non-emergency-numbered contacts.

Comment Re:What if it Freezes? (Score 1) 44

Your bytes have crossed many a Linux until they arrived here at Slashdot, and are they frozen?

Network equipment often runs some version of Linux, including big iron stuff like Cisco Nexus. And they are running a watchdog, which works similar to a dead-man's-switch in a train engine: If it does not get activated in regular intervals, it restarts vital services or even the whole system.

Comment Re:I like the idea (Score 1) 157

You are the consumer, not the industry insider. If the sale was happening with the promise of an ever improving hydrogen infrastructure, and this didn't come to pass, then the promise leading to the sale was not fulfilled, and this could be seen as culpa in contrahendo.

If that argument holds, the court will decide. But as with every contract, they can be ligitated if one side feels wronged.

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