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Comment Good intentions... Until the lawsuits start flying (Score 1) 33

in the direction of Uncle Sam.
You can't do anything in the USA that would benefit the public at large without literally dozens of lawsuits being filed by vested interests to stop such moves dead in their tracks.
Lets face it people... the USA is suffocating under the weight of lawsuits, briefs and motions and with a Justice system that clearly can't cope with even half the number of cases they currently have.

Comment Re:freedom (Score 1) 37

Ok, I want to be free of the CPU fan kicking in every time I open an image for editing.
My M1 MBP fan has AFAIK never come on and I have loaded the CPU with some video rendering.
being free from CPU fans is priceless.

As for running Linux on an M2? I can't wait. I have a small AMD powered system that be ideal for moving to an M2 MacMini. Again, no CPU fans.

Comment Time to give MS the really BIG finger. (Score 1) 56

and move away from them.
If a chat history is used in evidence of a crime like a Text or email conversation and CharGPT is involved even remotely, it could be challenged in court and have that evidence thrown out.

I'm just waiting for that to happen and then the Lawmakers could ban the thing entirely.,.. just like TikTok then.

Comment Re:Solar power profit Crop prices (Score 1) 133

There is an upside from covering a field with solar.

Not growing things for a few years would allow the soil to recover from overuse of fertilisers. Then if those solar panels are built at least 5ft off the ground, you could graze sheep underneath. At least, the ground isn't permanently lost as it would be if the likkle boxes that we call houses are built on the land.

Comment Re:Broken OOTB? (Score 1) 14

Please explain what is broken. If you are talking about Fedora then it is by design a bleeding edge distro and yes things do get broken.
If you are talking about RHEL then there are lots of us who would love to know what is broken OOTB and with what version that applies too.
I do hope that your complaint applies to current versions of RH software.

Comment Re:Microsoft is looking to acquire Ubuntu (Score 1) 51

I think that this is what Canonical would love to happen.
I am not a Ubuntu (or any of its flavors) user and IMHO, it will be a dark day when this happens. Yes, I have said 'will'. I think it is just a matter of timing.

I'm in the process of removing 'snap' packages from my servers. I think that it is just about the worst packaging ever designed apart from .msi.

Comment And... in other news... (Score 1) 101

Obesity rates in the developed world reach 95%. Life expectancy drops dramatically.
Robot Governments the world over refuse to accept report on human inactivity that was created by... (wait for it)... humans.

While I can do all the jobs around the home, I will even though I will soon be starting my 8th decade on this planet.

Comment Re:windows 10 started this shit years ago (Score 3, Informative) 192

MS is slowly moving towards only allowing Network based accounts.

If you want to autosave your work in Office for Mac you are required to be logged into your MS account. 'F' that for a game of soldiers.

I often work in places where Internet connections are forbidden. I know that one of those sites is preparing to ditch MS entirely because of this move towards MS === Big Brother === "I'm sorry Dave, I can't allow that".

Because of their move to force me into logging into MS, we have ditched Office on all laptops. I predict that my company will throw MS out with the dishwater within 12 months. We are not alone.

Comment Intel memo to Microsoft (Score 1) 86

Hey Fella,
  Hows about tightening up the Windows 11 CPU restrictions by say... as much as you can. We need to shift inventory and my fine friend, you are in a perfect position to help us out. All those 15 month old CPU's that barely meet your W11 CPU spec could... with a simple patch be made unable to run Windows 11 after the next but one update?
How about it then?

Give my love to the wife and kids, my mansion in Aspen is available whenever you need it.
  Intel CEO

Naturally the above is illegal but has that not stopped corporates from colluding in the past when it is to their mutual advantage.

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