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Comment Re:Direction? (Score 1) 48

Not for nothing but, it seems like you don't really need eyes to see with the teraherz range. Teraherz frequencies can easily see through solid materials. Your phone will be able to map the local area with efficiency.

I bet that's going to drive the tinfoil hatters nuts.

this link from 2018 gives a 5 dollar overview of the concept.

Comment Re:Feeding the fire (Score 1) 281

That's an extremely insightful take.

So it seems that Twitter only used a sample size of 100 to get their 5% estimation. With such a small number protected by NDA, it seems like it was picked on purpose. With all the computing resources Twitter has, surely they can afford a larger sample size! Maybe that's the largest size they could run and get an honest 5%? With all the caveats and specific verbiage in their filing, they're not telling a lie so they're in the clear... But it definitely seems like an intentionally misleading statistic.

Comment Re: StarWars (Score 2) 293

I don't think you're wrong for thinking people are warmongers. I do think that with your rhetoric, and invoking a group for peace while hoping people on Earth die, is a sign that you're no better than the ones you hate. Maybe you could temper your hate some and stop contributing to the same behavior you so passionately deride.

Comment Re:"By any means necessary" - impossible (Score 2) 375

While I don't disagree with your position as stated, there are things at stake. Even if the commoners don't think of it as strategy, the leaders of nations are reaching toward the heavens and staking their claim. They're taking the high ground. Humanity is expanding outward and whoever leads the charge from the best defensible position wins. It's no longer the US and Russia in the solar neighborhood dick waving contest. India has shot down a LEO satellite showcasing their prowess and China has landed on the moon with plans to set up a permanent settlement coalescing. Take a step back and watch the players posture.

Comment Re:NO, it was not the result of a Reddit witch hun (Score 5, Insightful) 1056

That's simple. Don't put your employer in your profile and never refer directly to that employer when talking about things at work which bother you. When you list your employer, you're associating yourself with that employer. When you put that you're in an elevated position with that employer, expect to be held accountable. It's the height of ignorance and entitled behavior to think the two are not interrelated

Comment Re:What else do you expect? (Score 3, Informative) 103

It's not abour YOU neither. Facebook is inescapable as far as personal information and browsing habits go. The Like buttons and the Share buttons on damn near every website follow you around the internet. Even if you haven't made a personal profile, all those page clicks are logged. And even if you don't see a button on the page, there are pixels you can add to your site to track users. It's marketing. Plain and simple. They've hooked the entire internet (mostly) on seeing who is doing what, and doubly so if you're a host or online shop. The angle you're playing is trite and insignificant when you consider what you're up against. The only way to win, is to not play. And since you're here, you've made your choice.

Comment Re:And the bankers (Score 4, Insightful) 84

That's what i was thinking. The only time an executive gets charged is when they're not an American citizen? As an American citizen, this is even more outrageous. That's not justice.

Truth and justice is the American way as long as you're not part of the power structure. And even then, someone has their finger on the scales.

Comment Re:Coal rockets and a gay ban in space? (Score 0, Offtopic) 529

Ooooo, that's a good burn. While we're complaining about things not being optimal maybe we can throw the fact that student loans are mortgaging our children's future and how the federal government is pissing our money away on pointless wars. No? Not relevant to a conversation about someone who was already selected to a position in our government that administers space policy? But his personal view on stuff that's not relevant to space policy (climate change aside) is fair game? Who is setting the tone of the conversation here? And why does everything have to have a BS sociological bent these days? I'm still waiting for someone to talk about his policy objectives but here we are, crying over things that aren't germane to the position. Shoehorn the butthurt in and decry anyone who wants to talk about the basics. Roger, that

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