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Comment Re:insubordination (Score 2, Insightful) 264

the younger kids (college age) feel the need to rebel. that's universal.

however, they are extremely uninformed and are siding with the WRONG side.

islam has no ceasefires. they only have 'temporary reloading' periods. this is in their holy books, look it up. if you dare to find the truth about islam.

islam is not compatible with the west. the longer we keep putting off the big fight, the worse its going to be.

I have zero patience for so-called 'smart googlers' who cant even see that the islamic way of life is 100% counter to everything they VALUE in the west.

in short, they are idiots. how they got into google - that just means google has no clue about actual people's views and only cares about 'how fast can you code nested procedures?'.

again, I have very little respect for googlers. they are the most spoiled brats I've ever seen in my life.

let them lose their jobs. that would be some justice.

when they get 20 or 40 years older, they'll change their views. we all do. but for supposedly smart geniuses, they sure act like little clueless children.

Comment Re:A lot of religious people (Score 1) 557

and yet, newton, maybe the smartest person in all of recorded history, was very religious.

there's a YT talk by neil degrasse tyson where he addresses the fact that of the scientific elite (top of the top), its still close to 10% 'belivers' rate. to him, the story is that its not zero and should be.

neil is a true hero. I watch every one of his lectures. he kind of is the continuation of carl sagan. both athiests and not ashamed. they let new generations be ok with rejecting religion.

Comment stealing secrets, eh? (Score 0) 147

lets see how much time he gets in the lock-up.

there's another case I'm curious to see how it works out. several cases, in fact. and about a person who has done much more damage to the US, in countless ways.

lets see how the 'two tier' system works. if this guy gets 40 years, I'd expect that 'other guy' to spend time in the pokey, as well.

right? we have no kings in the US. same punishment for anyone who does anything of that level.


Comment Re:If I lived in Russia (Score 1) 76

what you just said can be said of the US, too.

the R's in our country are the equiv of the russians. they love the russian method of control and authority. the R's are trying to STOP funding of ukraine, so there's all the proof you need.

who gets there first? if the orange idiot wins, somehow, the US and much of the world loses. russia will win and a whole lot of negative things will befall the world as a result.

I dont know why the R's decided to attach themselves to russia and hungary but they did and we're stuck with their bad behavior until they finally change to something else (decades, likely).

Comment we're going electric, like it or not (Score 1, Troll) 101

might as well make it easier rather than harder.

ignore the red states, they have no idea what they're really doing (its all just spite).

its about time we put national money into a needed modern infrastructure. gas is not the future and everyone knows it. fight it or join the modern age. I'd rather join than fight.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Taking a Slashbattical 3


It's been real. I've found vast amusement verbally sparring, and refined my understanding thereby, so: thank you.

But both work and school are ramping up, and cutting some of the social media faffing about is needful.

Blessings to all of you in the New Year. I hope that there is an event in about a year that is recognizably an election, and that sanity prevails. I've no confidence in man, but infinite faith in the Lord.

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