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Submission + - Really misleading ads from broadband providers (

Bourdain writes: From the I-really-wish-they-asked-me-before-getting-into-that-contract department:

Gizmodo has put together a good compilation of the — seemingly almost criminally — misleading (largely plain wrong) advertising from our favorite local monopolies. My personal favorite is from At&t which states you need 3 mbps to use social networking sites like facebook (an accurate but still absurd requirement might be a something to effect of needing a multiple core processor if you allow of the javascript & flash to run on said sites)


Submission + - All GPLed Code Removed from MonoDevelop (

rysiek writes: A few days ago, Miguel de Icaza wrote on his blog that the whole MonoDevelop is now "free" of GPL-licensed code. "MonoDevelop code is now LGPLv2 and MIT X11 licensed. We have removed all of the GPL code, allowing addins to use Apache, MS-PL code as well as allowing proprietary add-ins to be used with MonoDevelop (like RemObject;s Oxygene)." A move that may be seen as quite controversial.

Comment Sample bias? (Score 1) 284

Isn't there an inherent sample bias in asking only EverQuest players?

Playing time increases with age? - EverQuest is an old game, and it's players tend to drift towards the hardcore. Anyone still playing it must be really into it. Younger players will probably be turned off - either by the older graphics or the fact they could be playing WoW instead.

As for the differences between genders, we have to remember that we're not polling the general population. Women gamers who are still playing EverQuest are slightly more hardcore than male players. This might tell us nothing at all about women in general. In fact, I'd bet these stats aren't exactly representative of normal people, or even necessarily "normal" hardcore gamers.

I'm sure I could go on, but there must be some stats nerds who can go to town on this sort of headline...

Comment Re:Reasons FTA.. (Score 2, Insightful) 184

These domain names are usually used because they're easier to *say* than shorthand versions.

I used to think exactly the same way as you, but then I worked at a radio station for a year. Some of those short names can be quite easily misunderstood - letters are notoriously confusable. That's why there's a radio phonetic alphabet.


Journal Journal: Eh? Bizarre comment moderation on Ovi 1

I received the following email from Nokia's Ovi the other day -

Dear arvendui,

We are informing you that we have removed the following comment from your account in Ovi Store:

Great idea, but would be better if there was a way for me to remotely enable tracking, like by texting a password. That way I could track the phone if it was stolen.


Why AT&T Killed iPhone Google Voice 304

ZuchinniOne writes "The Wall Street Journal has a very interesting article about the likely reasons that AT&T and Apple killed the Google Voice application. 'With Google Voice, you have one Google phone number that callers use to reach you, and you pick up whichever phone — office, home or cellular — rings. You can screen calls, listen in before answering, record calls, read transcripts of your voicemails, and do free conference calls. Domestic calls and texting are free, and international calls to Europe are two cents a minute. In other words, a unified voice system, something a real phone company should have offered years ago.'"

New Firefox Vulnerability Revealed 250

Not long after Firefox 3.5.1 was released to address a security issue, a new exploit has been found and a proof of concept has been posted. "The vulnerability is a remote stack-based buffer-overflow, triggered by sending an overly long string of Unicode data to the document.write method. If exploited, the resulting overflow could lead to code execution, or if the exploit attempts fail, a denial-of-service scenario." It's recommended that Firefox users disable Javascript until the issue is patched, though add-ons like NoScript should do the trick as well (unless a site on your whitelist becomes compromised).

Update: 07/20 00:09 GMT by KD : An anonymous reader informs us that the Mozilla security blog is indicating that this vulnerability is not exploitable; denial of service is as bad as it gets.

Comment Re:Capitalist flight (Score 1) 1142

Don't feed the trolls, I know... but I feel I should clarify.

I was referring to the "800% of GDP" comment made by the grandparent, which is true of Iceland which has debt of "eight times GDP", and not Ireland, which doesn't have great debt but not to anything near the levels the poster argued.

And since I'm British, I'm not really sure what your comment about Americans is supposed to mean...

Comment Re:Capitalist flight (Score 1) 1142

I don't disagree with what you're saying in principle, but I think perhaps you mean Iceland not Ireland.

See Wikipedia: "By 2008 the nation's currency (the krÃna) was defunct and the national debt had soared to over eight times GDP."

Although Ireland is not doing great ("Ireland was stripped of it`s AAA credit ranking and downgraded to AA+ by Standard & Poor's ratings agency, due to Ireland`s bleak financial outlook and heavy government debt burden." - Wikipedia), it's still AA+, compared to Iceland which has pretty much collapsed.


"Tweenbots" Test NYC Pedestrian-Robot Relations 197

MBCook recommends Kacie Kinzer's tweenbots page, which documents some of her experiments with small, anthropomorphized robots that need help. Kinzer is writing a thesis (at the Center for the Recently Possible) centered around investigating whether people in New York City will help a cute little robot to get where it's going. "Tweenbots are human-dependent robots that navigate the city with the help of pedestrians they encounter. Rolling at a constant speed, in a straight line, Tweenbots have a destination displayed on a flag, and rely on people they meet to read this flag and to aim them in the right direction to reach their goal."

Comment Re:Occam's razor (Score 1) 388

Exactly. I work on security for a major retailer, and people try to screw the system with gift cards all the time. It doesn't work.

Those cards get activated (i.e. added to a database of purchased cards) by software on the POS system, they're totally useless.

Try it - walk into a shop and these gift cards will be unprotected on the shelf. Copy the number from the back of a card and punch it into iTunes. Their value will add up to thousands of dollars in one shop alone - what sort of a company would sell cards with what would effectively be cash value without that sort of protection?

People steal these cards from retail stores all the time. The joke is that they just risked prosecution to steal a worthless piece of plastic.

Also, I think that's why big stores abandoned gift vouchers. They were stealable and copyable, but a gift card is database checked when you use it, so much much harder to fool a checkout operator with.

Comment Count Yourself Lucky (Score 1) 1055

I'm working as a part-time Security Guard/CCTV operator while I'm at University. Most of my colleagues work a 44 hour week (4x9, 1x8), not including overtime.

And they're the lucky ones - outside contractors (usually migrant workers) work 12 hour shifts with only 2 half-hour breaks (the legal maximum number of hours work combined with the legal minimum break time).

I guess it depends upon what you're used to.


Storm Worm Botnet "Cracked Wide Open" 301

Heise Security reports that a 'team of researchers from Bonn University and RWTH Aachen University have analysed the notorious Storm Worm botnet, and concluded it certainly isn't as invulnerable as it once seemed. Quite the reverse, for in theory it can be rapidly eliminated using software developed and at least partially disclosed by Georg Wicherski, Tillmann Werner, Felix Leder and Mark Schlösser. However it seems in practice the elimination process would fall foul of the law.'

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