What was said in those $700,000 speeches Hillary gave to Goldman Sachs?
No, my entire life I have been taking the safe road, and invariably I see the people who I thought were decent enough turn around and hire Larry Summers and fill their cabinet with ex Goldman Sachs members. I am so fucking sick of the elite buying off our politicians and of our politicians then joining the elite, as has happened to Hillary and Bill Clinton. That she thought it acceptable--two years before she planned to run for President of the United States--to give a series of quarter-million-dollar speeches to Wall Street, just blows me the hell away. Either she is breathtakingly incompetent or worse, she is deeply and profoundly cynical and knows that we have no other choice but her.
I worked hard for Bernie--and the likes of Debbie Wasserman-Schultz took advantage and stacked the deck for Hillary (exactly like the Republicans always do for their chosen ones) and then W-S attempted to block regulation of the payday loan industry, and I realized that I could not support these people. I know in the long run the Republicans are dead but I am simply and frankly so pissed off at the freaking decades of bad behavior by politicians that I am beyond holding back, making the "smart" choice. I am tired of the incrementalism. I want to burn down the house. I want Americans to wake up and register what they want this country to look like. I want to take America by the face and give it a slap.
Yes, two Supreme-Court Nominees. Yes, continued fight on Climate Change. But really, if Hillary Clinton gets in there is no way she would turn the country on a dime like Bernie would have. Trump will not but... he seems kind of malleable. He's not your average Republican idiot like a Jim Inhofe who holds a position with no thought. I realize Trump is an idiot but an idiot is better than a sly and crafty adversary. I think Hillary is polluted with wealth and exposure to the idle rich.