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Journal TheRealJFM's Journal: Connect to University of Aberdeen's StudentMail from Gmail

If you've been frustrated by the University of Aberdeen's (or your own university's) recent move to Microsoft's Exchange Labs (called Student Mail here), and you live in the EU, then you might find this advice useful to connect to the dratted thing in Gmail.

Although the school's online documentation says it's impossible to connect without Outlook, both POP3 and IMAP is available from Microsoft's servers. Simply follow the following instructions:

Open the GMail Settings
Go to "Accounts" and scroll down to "Get mail from other accounts".

Click "Add another mail account"
On the first screen enter your University email address - e.g.

Click "Next"
On the next screen enter the information as follows:

Username: Your email address, in full, as above.
Password: Your password, obviously.
Pop Server:
Set the port to: 995
Tick the box marked "Always use a secure connection (SSL) when retrieving mail."

Save the changes, and go through any other steps you want - it's up to you if you want to keep your messages on the University server, or if you want to send mail from that address. It really doesn't matter - so long as your settings are typed in as above you'll start getting your emails.

You can also connect to imap by just replacing "pop" with "imap" in the server address. Not sure of the port number, though, because I didn't try it.

Tell me how it goes.

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Connect to University of Aberdeen's StudentMail from Gmail

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