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Comment He is not who we think he is.... (Score 1) 747

"Innocence of Muslims" was produced by Islamists.

Nakoula Basseley Nakoula is Meth-dealer-Egyptian-Coptic-anti-Muslim-activist-fundamentalist-Christian. Then on the other hand, Eiad Salameh appears to be a Muslim-fundamentalist-Palestinian-scam-artist-terrorist.

We're being duped again (and that includes me as well) by the ill-informed Media.

Walid Shoebat has the drop on these guys on his blog.


Submission + - Worst Recession Ever? (

Dark Coder writes: The Great Depression was extended by 5 years according to various economists due to debilitating Federal policies enacted by FDR. Five recent bills (Auto, Finance, Bank, Health-Care and Teacher Jobs) are touted as being similar to FDR's worsening policies. As a result, we're still sliding into a deeper recession. What does it take to get us out of this doldrums?

Submission + - Worse Recession Ever? (

Dark Coder writes: The Great Depression was extended by 5 years according to various economists due to debilitating Federal policies enacted by FDR. Five recent bills (Auto, Finance, Bank, Health-Care and Teacher Jobs) are touted as being similar to FDR's worsening policies. As a result, we're still sliding into a deeper recession. What does it take to get us out of this doldrums?

Submission + - Google Introduces New Android Features

adeelarshad82 writes: Google introduced the next generation of interaction with its Android operating system by introducing a set of new features. The most prominent one is the voice-driven actions. Google executives outlined 12 new "Voice Actions for Android," including phone calls, reminder e-mails, direction search, and music search. The app is called "Voice Search," requires Android 2.2, and is available in the Android Market now. Voice actions can be triggered by clicking the "microphone" icon on the screen. Saying "call John Smith at home" will trigger the contacts list and voice dialer, "find art museums in Amsterdam" would launch a Google Maps application, and "listen to Ace of Base" will search for music from the artist on Pandora,, or another music application. Another improvement worth a mention is "Chrome to Phone," allows users to click on a new "mobile phone" icon to send links, YouTube videos, even directions, to the phone. So far, the features are exclusive to Android phones and U.S. English, although the capabilities will be moved to other languages and other operating systems (including the iPhone) in the future.

Submission + - New Titi Monkey, At Last. (

Doctor Morbius writes: Scientists have discovered a new species of Titi Monkey in the forests of Columbia after having been kept out of the region by 30 years of rebel activity

Submission + - Injecting Errors for Fun and Profit 1

ChelleChelle writes: Errors, whether transient or permanent, are unfortunately a fact of life. In order to make sure that a system can properly handle them, it is absolutely essential to test the error-detection and correction circuitry by injecting errors. This is the main topic of a recent article from acmqueue in which Steve Chessin of Oracle talks about injecting various types of errors (e-cache errors, memory errors) on the Ultrasparc-II.

Submission + - Google Responds to Net Neutrality Reviews ( 1

I Don't Believe in Imaginary Property writes: "Google has written a defense of their joint Net Neutrality proposal with Verizon, responding to criticism like the EFF's recent review. Google presents its arguments as a list of myths and facts, but too many of them look like this one: 'MYTH: This proposal would eliminate network neutrality over wireless. FACT: It's true that Google previously has advocated for certain openness safeguards to be applied in a similar fashion to what would be applied to wireline services. However, in the spirit of compromise, [...]'. The silver lining here is that Google doesn't seem to employ any skilled liars."

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Real Programs don't use shared text. Otherwise, how can they use functions for scratch space after they are finished calling them?
