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Comment Re:"The sky is killing! The sky is killing!" (Score 1) 36

The airspace is controlled by the FAA but as soon as the drone touches the ground the jurisdiction changes.

IANAL, but I fully expect to see future /. articles announcing laws/ordinances to effectively limit drone delivery, and I also expect some of them to hold up under scrutiny.

Comment Re:Do any of those actually require *censorship*? (Score 1) 214

I didn't know so I checked.

According to Merriam-Webster censor is:
  • (noun) a person who supervises conduct and morals: such as:
    1. an official who examines materials (such as publications or films) for objectionable matter. Usage example: "Government censors deleted all references to the protest."
    2. an official (as in time of war) who reads communications (such as letters) and deletes material considered sensitive or harmful.
  • (verb) to examine in order to suppress (see suppress sense 2) or delete anything considered objectionable. Usage example: "censor the news"
  • (verb) also: to suppress or delete as objectionable. Usage example: "censor out indecent passages"

This differs slightly from this definition, but in both cases it looks as if there is no comes-before requirement for an act to be censorship. Perhaps it was the case before the information age but no longer, it appears.

Comment Inside Man (2006) (Score 1) 893

I'm a sucker for heist movies, and Spike Lee made one where you end up rooting for the cops AND for the robbers by the end. Denzel Washington, Clive Owen, Jodie Foster, & Christopher Plummer give memorable performances, and yet so few people know about it.

The only people I know who have seen the movie are: 1) the friend who told me about it and 2) the friends/family I've talked into watching it with me. I don't usually watch movies more than once, but I've seen this one at least half a dozen times.

Comment Re:Cancer going away for wealthy soon (Score 1) 240

Your analogy is invalid for one very obvious reason...

*sigh* OK, the analogy isn't perfect. I was simply trying to illustrate by example the principle that expensive new technology tends to get cheaper with time. It's true that we may never cure all cancers but I firmly believe that the available treatments will get better and dramatically cheaper given enough time.

the price of treating cancer is not going to decrease to any reasonable level ...

You clearly have more thoughts on this issue, but we'll have to agree to disagree with one another. I trying to help you see GP's point, not debate the merits of his argument.

Comment Re:Cancer going away for wealthy soon (Score 1) 240

I fail to see your point here. At all.

OK, let me try to make an analogy.

The first commercially-available computer was the UNIVAC I priced at $159,000 in 1951 ($1.5M 2018 dollars). Compare that cost to the computer you're using now. ANY new technology starts prohibitively high-cost and decreases as the state of the art improves, or patents expire, or competition increases.

It's a shame that cancer treatments are so expensive, and it's a shame that the costs aren't decreasing more quickly, but that's how it is.

Comment Re:Non-Binary (Score 1) 755

My interpretation of that line is more like "I don't want people to think I'm associated with the Nazis." or "I don't want people to think I sympathize with the Nazis."

Compare that to your interpretation, "I don't want people to think I'm a Nazi."

English is funny like that, and I suspect that OP interpreted it the same way I did.

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