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Submission + - Maybe Musk's real plan is to lawyer Twitter to death? (

shanen writes: Fishing for a feel-good aspect of this story in particular or ANY aspect of Twitter in general. Premise: Twitter has ALWAYS been packed with spambots and if Musk is claiming he only just now noticed, then Musk is an idiot. But let's pretend he's clever the way some people say, and in that case he's lying and the entire thing is a performance. (I say he's probably not an idiot, but mostly he's been lucky, especially in his timing.)

So how could it end well? Well, Musk sues Twitter for lying about how many spambots and Twitter sues Musk for a fake takeover bid based on a bogus market "valuation" that Musk already knew was bogus. The lawyers get locked into a permanent clinch and Twitter and Musk both implode as the lawsuit drags into it's tenth year.

And in the end, it turns out Musk was working with SCO the whole time! Zombies for everyone!

Comment public smoking (Score 1) 155

so if public smoking is banned in the city, where can you actually smoke? Singapore is pretty dense populated, I would suspect that inside building a fire alarm would go off if you would smoke, so you can only smoke on your balcony and maybe an car parking lot (that one might be considered public)?

Submission + - Italian Scientists Investigate Possible Earlier Emergence of Coronavirus ( 3

hackingbear writes: Italian researchers are looking at whether a higher than usual number of cases of severe pneumonia and flu in Lombardy in the last quarter of 2019 may be a signal that the new coronavirus might have spread beyond China earlier than previously thought. Adriano Decarli, an epidemiologist and medical statistics professor at the University of Milan, said there had been a “significant” increase in the number of people hospitalized for pneumonia and flu in the areas of Milan and Lodi between October and December last year, while Giuseppe Remuzzi, director of the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research, noted some family doctors in Lombardy had reported unusual cases of pneumonia late last year that now looked potentially suspicious. Base on what we know about how infectious the virus is and the ratio of patients showing no symptoms compared with those that get sick, skeptics dismissed this theory without more evidences that. “It is inconceivable that we would not have had a pretty major epidemic in Europe much earlier if these cases had in fact been COVID-19,” said Paul Hunter, a professor in medicine at Britain’s University of East Anglia. In comparison, scientists thought that the H1N1 strain responsible for the 2009 Swine Flu pandemic first evolved in September 2008 and circulated amongst humans for several months, before being formally recognized and identified as a novel strain of influenza in March 2009. Decarli said once his research was concluded, local health authorities might decide to request authorization to exhume bodies of people with suspect symptoms.

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