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Comment Re:World hunger (Score 1) 99

That boat sailed along time ago. Back in the '80 when it seemed all of Africa was starving the church, and some others, that I was forced to attend got the idea that it would be good for eveyone's souls to save a village. So, that is what they attemped to do.

The motto was "god helps those that help themselves" or something like that. The plan was to get one village selfsupporting, then pick another one and repeat. An they found one. A team was put together and sent over to find out what was needed, and what was needed was staggering.

Fresh wells, seeds, farming as well as irrigation equipment was needed. The price tag was pretty staggering but it was god will so the plan was put in motion.

At least I can say the churches didn't half ass it. Simple but easy to maintain pumps where sent, as well as equipment to dig wells and irrigation canals. Top quality seeds that would grown in that climate. Copper pipes, not plastic for water transportation. They even hired a few experts to teach the locals how to use it.

A new team with all the equipment was sent over. The where over ther almost a year, long enough to help the locals get a harvest. The harvest the locals got in was more than enough with some left over to sell to some surrounding villages for a little money. With that they came home. The "chief" kept sending letter on how great things where and would like for them to come back.

A couple of years went by and another team was sent over to see how things where going. An it was not good. The village was suffering from famine, the wells that were dug where now useless, the pumps and all the copper pipe had been dug and sold. They where sold because the "chief" wanted a satellite tv and a VCR. An sure enough sitting in the center of the village was old tv and a vcr. They powered it from car battieres when they could sucker someone into recharging them.

When ask why they did this. The chief smiled and told them because he knew they would be back to do it all again. He was wrong.

Comment Re:Of course. (Score 2) 102

As for your deluded fantasy about California's economic environment, desperate Southern chambers of commerce have been spouting that crap for literally thirty years, and somehow California is still the 5th largest economy in the world. No other state is even close or projected to become close in a meaningful timeframe.

This is a well trodden trope that California likes to roll out there. Truth is California is not and never has been the 5th largest economy in the world. The truth is California economy is apart of the United States economy and that is what is counted on the world state. Not the individual participation of states or providences of larger nation states, which California is apart of.

We wont' go into the back flips that some economists go into to get this 5th largest figure. Safe to say that most economists don't agree with the numbers and leave it at that.

Safe to say the first fact alone is enough to put this '5th largest economy" myth to rest.

Comment Re:Rule 34 (Score 2, Insightful) 112

I'm afraid young pedo's will eventually move on from AI to the real thing.

First disclaimer. I'm not sexually attracted to children in any way. Personally. I find them to be disgusting creatures that I would prefer to not be associated with.

With that being said, have you ever met one? A pedophile that is? They are more common than you think they are. While they are not hiding behind every bush outside every play ground there are a lot more of them than you think. Odds are you probably know one.

Most of them are not the monsters that society makes them out to be. Most of them have nothing at all to do with children; they live in terror that society will found out what they are. Ninety percent of them go through life never touching a child.

They have a illness, one in which society has so demonized that they can't come out and get help for. Most illnesses are protected by doctor / patient confidentiality laws. Not this one. In some states if you walk in to a doctor and tell him you are thinking about shooting up a church, he is forbidden by law from alerting the police. But if you casually mention you think little suzy has a cute butt then he has to report you.

Those that act on their impulse need to be held accountable by the law. Those that seek help, need to be protected from the law.

Comment Re:Rule 34 (Score 1) 112

Does anyone have any solid data on this? There must be some stats to back up one of these positions.

There isn't any reliable evidence, on both sides. In today's "protect the children" moral crusade world, there never will be. The current belief is that any form of sexual content involving children of any age, is harmful and must be stamped out at all costs.

Of course its all poppy cock. No child has ever been harmed by a image of sexuality. No child has ever been protected by making such content illegal. The current thinking is this material will make those that are inclined to go out and rape a child more likely. That is bullshit. People that are included to rape children do not need encouragement by any form of pornography.

Or does anyone want to suggest that all those priests that raped those boys where encouraged by naked statues of david?

Comment Re:Rule 34 (Score 1) 112

It will probably be ruled illegal depending on where you live. We don't need AI generated kiddy porn to believer this. We already have lolicon, drawn images of kiddy porn, and these images are illegal in many parts of the world. It doesn't matter if any kids are not "harmed" in the making of the images. Hell, in some more fascist states there are people in prison for reading or writing stories involving kids and sex. I don't see AI generated images changing this.

Comment Re:Quit complaining (Score 1) 130

A few years ago I was working for one of the local cell companies. Unlimited data has just started rolling out. We where about to deploy a system to sniff packets, included encrypted ones looking for bittorrent streams. When legal found out that we where going to try to break encrypted data we where told under no circumstance where we to attempt to do that.

Comment Re:Cameras? (Score 1) 58

What I find funny is a little sack of shit like you has the gaul to post then when you are posting shit like this in your blog.

You are all for democracy when it applies to your ideas and policies. When someone has different idea that different from your option then you want to lock them up and teach them the right ones, yours.

You call republicans a theocratic dictaorship then post in your blog about wanting one of your own. You know what that makes you Rick Schumann? A god damn fucking hypocrite. Democracy is only democracy when it applies to you and your narrow minded ideas.

From your little fanboy you are also a fucking racist. Reading some of your other posts I tend to agree with him. Do us all a favor, and keep your racist narrow minded views to yourself and shut the fuck up.

Comment Re:Long term, this won't work (Score 2) 130

The only thing that makes nuclear weapons hard to get is getting the nuclear material itself. For a primitive weapon, like the Little Boy device, you can literally buy most of the parts from the local hardware store. That device was so primitive and we where so sure it would work we didn't even bother to test it. Just built it and tossed it out the back of a airplane.

The only real deterrent to having nuclear weapons used by nation states is to make the consequences of such use so terrible to contemplate. Against stable national states this works reasonably well. Not even the leaders of a "rogue state" such as Iran are going to be the first to use such weapons when the results would be them being annihilated in retaliation.

Nation states with complex nuclear weapons are not what we need to be afraid of. What we need to be afraid of is terrorist with access to primitive nuclear devices.

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