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Comment Not songs, "pop" songs (Score 1) 143

Anything that is being broadcast on the radio, on popular channels.

I use Spotify, and found a whole lot of bands which don't fall under this umbrella, and who take care to write good texts.

Heavy metal, hardrock, stoner rock, in their broadest sense and with all their variations, form a multidimensional space that has intelligent music, but not "popular".

If you look at the amount of listeners that some of these bands have (e.g. Gods & Punks, 250 listeners/month), a whole lot of them do it because they like it.

Not everyone who makes music needs to become a billionaire.

Examples: Opeth, The Ocean, Soen, Wheel, Vulkan, Wo Fat, Mothership, ...

Comment Re: Cold War version 2.0 (Score 1) 43

You deserve a + mod point.

I have been reading the Scientific American archives, and one of the leading threads throughout 1900 until the 1930's is the passiveness of the US legislation. If there had been no citizen movement, the US would not have had a merchant fleet before WWII started.

If concerned citizens had not pressed their legislators, the US would not have had a big fleet at the start of WWII.

I think there are other examples, but the gist is definitely that the US legislation always is very behind the times, unless pressed from outside.

Comment Two things missing (Score 1) 309

If a judge is able to invoke other arguments than those from the law, in this case religious statements, shouldn't he be removed because of gross incompetency?

If the Supreme Court is able to overturn Roe vs. Wade, because it is not described in law, shouldn't this judgement receive the same treatment?

Comment This is the machine that really got me going (Score 2) 124

I already had a ZX Spectrum, and I had programmed some things on it, experimented with machine code.

But the Sinclair QL had everything: a good programming language, a word processor, a kind of database, a spreadsheet to I think.

But it is mostly Sinclair Basic which I used to do several things: write DSP routines, ported FFT routines to it, wrote a fractal zoom program.

I think I also got hold of a Pascal compiler, and used it to write exercises for school.

The Microdrives were definitely a step up from cassettes in ease of use and speed.

Comment Some remarks from Terry Pratchett (Score 1) 148

Pretty sure that the Ogg container format was named for Nanny Ogg, and Vorbis for the deacon of the Church of Om in "Small Gods" from Terry Pratchett.

I encoded my audio (LPs and CDs) into flac, but I did build some libraries and Perl scripts to cross-encode between different formats. Ogg Vorbis is one of them. MP3 is another, because of device compatibility.

I think I added Ogg Vorbis, because I liked it better for use with cmus. It's only since 2020/2021 more usage of Opus. However, the documentation specifies that Opus was actually optimised for speech.

Comment Re:Hey Spotify, before fucking around with AI (Score 1) 14

I noticed this too, although it currently seems to do a better job than a few months ago.

But after a while one can not but notice that some numbers are played more than others.

It seems to help to have a playlist with many numbers (I have some of 1000 and 5000 tracks), and keep listening to them. However, stopping listening, switching over to another one, and then back seems to give popular numbers more priority in the beginning of the list.

Same with radios, too much popular numbers of the selected genre or song. However, I also got the reverse, on AC/DC Radio: 1 song from AC/DC, multiple of Rose Tattoo.

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One of the chief duties of the mathematician in acting as an advisor... is to discourage... from expecting too much from mathematics. -- N. Wiener
