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Comment Re:What really surprises me (Score 1) 340

I will just point out that I recall the messaging on masks was:

1. We are not really sure non medical masks work to stop covid
2. Medical masks have to be used properly or they could make things worse
3. Doctors and first responders must use the masks so let us make sure they get the supplies or they will act as spreading vectors (they see a lot of folks) and be taken out of the fight when they get sick or die.

We have better evidence now and better supplies, so of course we are going to get updated advice: Wear a dang mask, the current best evidence is they help.

We will learn more and that might even affect the advice regarding masks, that is just how science works.

Comment Re:Seems dumb to say she should stay (Score 3, Informative) 60

While they are not speaking about this exact case, these folks are really among the best for science and facts, what few we know, about this. Smart, honest science.

Comment Re:Not Really News (Score 1) 101

Science says other wise

Masks may increase risks for non infected folks.

People wearing masks get a false sense of security and folks end up touching their face more.

They do nothing to protect you at all, and make this outbreak worse because the folks who need them, healthcare providers, can not access them.

Here is the science on it:

Comment Re:Not Really News (Score 1) 101

For actual science from experienced epidemiologists and other related disciplines, these are the folks to read:

You do not need to use twitter to read their stuff.

Comment CDC good source of truth... better is.... (Score 1) 105

The CDC website has good information how to combat this virus.

But for understanding what is going on overall and what needs doing next, you are better off with the scientists and other experienced professionals outside the CDC.

Smart, honest science.

Comment Re: Prediction: COVID-19 to be politically weaponi (Score 3) 353

We have dealt with outbreaks before, we get through them.

They are horrible, but we as a species get through them.

This one will be pretty bad unless the leaders get their shit together.

Many places deal with similar, dangerous outbreaks every damn day. cholera, yellow fever, ebola, malaria. it is hard, horribly hard, but they carry on.

We still have lots of room to impact the spread and outcome of this outbreak,, I am focused on those things, and I hope you will too.

Comment This is what a leading pandemic expert is doing (Score 2) 353

Ok everyone, I am headed out to run errands in #PaloAlto where we know there community transmission happening. I will not be wearing a mask....and I am not worried about it. Why? Because I use good hand hygiene and cover my cough.

Comment The US Does have a great Flu Monitoring system (Score 1) 353

If it is one thing the US does do quite well is monitor flu and influenza like illnesses.

If CORVID19 had been circulating for any time we would have picked up on something. For sure.

We can slow and reduce the spread in the US if our officials follow the advice of the experts in the field.

Comment We have measures that work, hygiene, social (Score 2) 353

We can do things that reduce and slow the spread, so lets focus on doing them. We can give the experts time to test more people, test existing antivirals, ramp up production, etc.

At the moment anyone in the US's individual chance of catching it is low.

The slower this spreads, the better we are going to do responding to it given the numbers and the realities of how our health care system is.

I think we have a sense of how many will catch this eventually, probably on the lower end of the 40-70% projection.

And most folks will be fine from the virus. That is true - 80% of folks who catch it are fine. 15% need to be in a hospital. 2% of those folks will pass away.

We can keep doing what experts tell us, wash hands, do not touch your face, stay home if you get sick, work from home if you can. Avoid large gatherings, church, etc.

If we all keep doing that we will have an impact on making sure as few folks as possible catch it and even fewer die.

Do not forget: Testing results do not mean more spreading, it means identifying more folks who already had it and learning a lot more to help slow the spread.

Comment Re:WHO is Probably Worried About Offending Someone (Score 1) 134

This sounds reasonable, but you have to realize that if there are automatic protocols, known in advance, that will drive countries to not report outbreaks.

This is your "hurting someone feelings" strawperson argument.

If people and countries are stigmatized, you incentive people to not report or not seek treatment, or change their behavior in any way to avoid suspicion as long as they can.

This makes things worse.

If people and countries know there will not be unreasonable responses, they are much more likely to do what is right.

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