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Comment Re: Bullshit (Score 3) 86

Well, to be fair, when 'they' are wrong, it is normally, amazingly bad, like 'no need to wash hands before delivering babies' and 'tetra-ethel lead is a perfectly safe anti-knocking agent and chlorofluorocarbons are great for industrial uses. Though the last two were both by the same asshole.

Comment Re: Pirated? (Score 1) 129

Your step 2 argument still does not allege a violation because my copying a copy of a work to which I own, results in no damage.. .. I can copy a copy of a work 10,000 or 10,000,000 it doesn't matter. If tell my NAS to save 10,000,000 snapshots of my archives, I have made 10,000,000 copies. Unless I have distributed a work, I have not violated your copyright under any provision of Title 17... Again, it is not up to me make to make an Affirmative Defense. I can't make a defense to which there is no violation.

Comment Re: Pirated? (Score 1) 129

Try making your opening sentence argument in court and see how quickly the judge asks you if you ever heard of the term 'De Minimus' because if that is all you got, you don't have a case but a joke.... Go read Title 17 USC Section 107 and then come back and talk to me once you understand what the four provisions for Fair Use are and you can explain to the adults where an LLM violates all four of the possible defenses.... ...Again, it is not my job to offer an affirmative defense if I am accused. It is your job to make your case and you just lost with your opening sentence joke.

Comment Re: lol, and? (Score 2) 129

You are hung up on this word copy and don't seem to actually understand copyright law. You can copy all you want. Copy ten million times and it's not a problem. Distribute a copy and you are now in violation. Show me where an LLM is violating a provision of Fair Use. Just one instance. Any instance. Go ahead.

Comment Re: Pirated? (Score 1) 129

No it isn't. It is up to the injured party to present damage. If you can't show me were and how my work is supposedly a derived work, then I am under no obligation to even claim fair use. It is my work and I am entitled to copyright protection. Now if you can show me which sections are in violation, I can tell you why they are allowed under one of the four provisions of the fair use statue. Otherwise the complaining party can piss off.

Comment Re: Pirated? (Score 1) 129

It doesn't matter if it copies. All that matters is, is there any distribution of a derived work happening beyond what is allowed with Fair Use. That is all a judge and jury can care about. I can make 170,000 copies or 1.7 million copies at my house on scrolls if I want It only becomes an issue when I distribute works to which I do not have the copyright to. Please learn about subjects before you speak about them. It's so much worse that you would be doing it with such a stupid name.

Comment Re: Pirated? (Score 0) 129

You have the absolute worst handle to be so assured of a subject you seem to know nothing about. Copyright law only cares about redistribution... copying, hence the copyright part, for the purpose of distributing and making a profit. The computer can store the data however it wants. It only becomes an issue if it is redistributing more than is allowed by Fair Use. Unless I can ask the AI: Print me ever Steven King novel, word for word, and share that with the world. But no one is doing that. I can just share a PDF if I want to pirate a book. There is no Copyright case to be made here because there is no Copyright violation happening.

Comment Re: Dumb (Score 1) 125

I still maintain we should build some robotic floating platforms in Venus's atmosphere that do breeding of various bacteria that are anaerobic to see if any of them can survive in the upper clouds. We might get lucky with natural selection and one of them will just naturally figure out a way to start participating out carbon.

Comment Carbon Monoxide is a fuel (Score 1) 125

And rather easy to create from carbon dioxide. The only reason methane on Mars is preferred is that carbon monoxide engines have not really been developed or tested as it's specific impulse is not that great, it's only something like 80% as good as Methalox. But there is nothing stopping the Venus mission even the floating one technically, just the will to do it. In many ways Venus is even easier than the Moon for short visits if you limit yourself to the upper atmosphere.

Comment Re:i would NEVER use a bank (Score 1) 66

In the US, if you do that, they will just arrest you. I have had a friend who had his account frozen twice due to 'suspicious activity'. The last time was for three refund checks under $100 from some tax board or government agencies. When he went to the bank and did what you suggested, they said: 'sorry, until the audit is done, we can't help you, we don't care how many checks bounce to your mortgage, power, cars, or if you can get food this week or not, either leave now or we call the cops'. He stayed, called their bluff, cops showed up and escorted him out the building.

Comment Re:Chad Wolf is not the Acting DHS Secretary (Score 1) 85

"...They should have stayed in their own home countries and applied for asylum at one of our embassies or consulates..."

I actually felt myself getting dumber reading you would have told Jewish people in occupied Poland to apply at the consulate or embassy and wait rather than get on the boats, flee the danger and apply in person?

I've read a lot of moronic things in my life, but your argument here rates near the top dude.

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